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Contribution: Réponse à : « right click does not operate »
Dernier vote:
Votants: oldturkey03 (Décision de l'Admin)

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Rep : 1


right click does not operate

MS 5000 mouse.

Right click does not operate.

Was operating fine and then for a day or so required extra pressure.

And then stopped altogether.

Rep : 496,4k



Here is a link which shows how to dis-assemble your mouse. At about 50 seconds into the video you have access to the button switches. At this point you should be able to to determine if the actual button is mechanically functioning and if the actuating lever of the upper cover is OK. if everything looks alright you may have to remove the board from its' housing so that you can check the solder connections of the button on the underside. If you have an Ohmmeter you can check the continuity of the button contacts as well.

Hopefully this is of some help.