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Contribution: Réponse à : « My dell is having big problems! »
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Votants: oldturkey03 (Décision de l'Admin)

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My dell is having big problems!

My laptops motherboard (CN-0HNR2M) is having problems.

When I push the switch button, it starts working, but after 30 seconds it shuts down automatically.

I then dissembled my system and applied new thermo paste on CPU, as well as new thermo pads on GPU, North and South bridge chipset. but nothing has changed!!

I disconnected the yellow cable of CPU fan so it works at the highest speed, but GPU is still HOT, and the laptop shuts down like emergency. I think there is some kind of problem of any little resistor, or capacitor as the GPU appears to be getting to high a voltage and that's why it gets HOT (between 70-85 celsius )

So what can i to do ?

thanks a lot


It sounds like you might save a lot of time and be better off in the long run if you could replace the motherboard. Look on eBay for your precise model offered cheaply as spares or repair but with a good motherboard, or you might find a vendor who will offer just the motherboard itself.