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Contribution: Réponse à : « Why won't my screen turn on? »
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Votants: oldturkey03 (Décision de l'Admin)

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Why won't my screen turn on?

My screen is dark and I can’t see anything!

Rep : 496,2k


Hi @lauratamayo ,

Try connecting an external monitor to the laptop and see if there is a display showing OK on it. Press Fn + F4 (both together) to step through the display options of laptop display, external display or both.

If you have a TV with HDMI inputs, you can use this as an external monitor so long as you have a HDMI cable with the appropriate connectors at each end to be able to connect between the laptop and the TV.

If the external monitor is also not showing a display when connected to the laptop then you may have a motherboard or GPU problem.

If there is a display on the external monitor, try shining a torch at an angle close to the laptop screen to check if you can detect an image at all. (don’t forget to toggle the Fn +F4 keys to switch the display back to the laptop).

If there is a display visible on the laptop when using a torch (it will be very faint, try in a darkened room to help see it) then you have a backlight problem. This could be either a faulty backlight power supply from the motherboard, a faulty backlight power cable to the screen (or LVDS cable if it is in the same cable) or a faulty screen.

If there is no display visible on the laptop when using a torch then you have either a faulty LVDS cable (or cable connection at either end) or a faulty screen