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Liquid Spilled on Keyboard, Logic board or keyboard issue?

A client has spilled some wine on a an 11inch mac book air. The computer starts up and doesn't act like anything is wrong, expect random buttons keep getting pressed while typing, and not all keys work. I opened up the onscreen keyboard and it looks like the shift keys are almost always on as are one or two other keys, question mark and the back slash. All the letters to the right of the G key don't work at all. I'm able to use an external keyboard, and disable the on board keyboard (via a terminal command).

Does this sound like an issue with the logic board or the keyboard itself? The spill was on the lower part of the keyboard... space, fn, control area, and it looks like what's under it is mostly battery. I don't mind taking it apart and cleaning it, but do you think i'll need a new logic board?

Rep : 687,8k


Your MacBook Air has what Apple calls LSI (Liquid Submersion Indicators) located throughout your Book. These will turn red when activated. If it were me I would take it completely down and look for where the water has been and the LSI activated. This will give you an indication of what needs to be replacedHere are the locations of those indicators: