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Helped on PCG-6N1M = VGN- sz3xwp (was similar).
you are missing instructions for removeing the 2 sidepanels , it may brake(one of them broke for me) they are fragile.
For me it turned out it had one 3 pin mosfet blow'n (had to bypass no replacement) , a mosfet smd 4-4 blown , changed that , and then the charging chip got red-hot. so I de-soldered with hot air station that 2 but could not mount a replacement yet. (the replacement I had on spare mb got pin's-bent during dismantling). - ALL THAT on main 19v rail. who knows what else awaits.
My DV5-1010e seem to have 2 failed mosfet's (VRM) near the power cable plug on MB, will change the mosfets on main 19V rail tomorrow.
it may be a blown Mosfet. Try seeein how far the 19V go on main rail. (see youtube).
Try hot iron on the chip instead of reflow.And pls check capacitor's they go.bad.fast.usualy I recap first.