Hello Everyone!
My name is Anthony Wink, I am a student at the University of North Texas as a cybersecurity major. This profile and subsequent projects will be apart of my class and subject to grading.
I'm a disabled veteran recently out of the Army, my prior service was as a military policeman, but I believe in the self repair movement and have been repairing cell phones and building PC's for years now. Recently I have been experimenting with various operating systems and the limits of their compatibilities.
Top Five Video Games
- Warthunder
- Conduit (Wii)
- Battalion Wars
- Battalion Wars 2
- Galaga
Mes tutoriels
Les tutoriels auxquels j'ai contribué
Anthony Wink
University of North Texas, Team 1-6, Kilpatrick Fall 2024
Mot-clé d'équipe : UNT-KILPATRICK-F24S1G6