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Device Will Not Charge

When plugged in, the battery does not charge. If device is out of power, plugging it in does not turn it on.

Faulty Charging Cable

Attempt to charge a different device with the same cable. If the other device also does not respond to the cable, your cable is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Dirty Charging Port

If the charging cable is working properly, verify that there is nothing blocking the connection between the charging port and the charging cable. Ensure that your device is turned off to avoid injury. Look for excessive dirt, dust, or sand inside the charging port, and remove it. If none exists, verify that the connection between the charging cable and charging port is snug. If the connection is loose, you may need to purchase a new charging cable.

Faulty Charging Port

If the charging cable is working properly, and the connection between the cable and port is good, the charging port itself may have an issue. To determine the issue, turn off your device and remove the screen to reveal the inside of the tablet. First, look for obvious issues, such as loose wires connecting the charging port to the battery, or dented pieces within the device. If all the pieces seem to be in good condition and properly installed within the device, replacing the charging port is likely necessary. If corrosion is evident in or around the charging port, you will need to replace the charging port. To learn how to replace the charging port, check out this guide.

Faulty Battery

If the charging port appears to be in working order, you may have a faulty battery. To diagnose this issue, remove the screen from the table to reveal the inside. First, look for obvious issues, such as loose wires connecting the battery to the charging port and other systems within the device, or physical damage to the battery itself. If the battery shows signs of damage it will need to be replaced. If all the pieces within the device, including the battery, appear intact, the battery still may need to be replaced in order to solve the problem.

Device Will Not Play Audio From Speakers

When attempting to play a song, video, or other type of audio using the speakers, no sound is emitted.

Simple Issues

Ensure that you have placed the volume on the maximum setting. Verify that you do not have headphones plugged into the device while attempting to play audio from the speakers. It is possible that the file you are trying to listen to does not have audio. Attempt to play a different video or song in order to verify that the speakers are not functioning.

Device Accessory Incompatibility

Audio may be blocked from coming out of the speakers due to an accessory that is not compatible with your device. Ensure that any case you put on your device is meant to be used on it, and that it does not block or cover the speaker. Verify that you have not placed a sticker, or any other covering, over the speaker. If there is a case or sticker covering the speaker, remove it.

Faulty Speaker

If the audio issue is not able to be fixed externally, you will need to examine the speaker inside the device. To do this, remove the screen from the device, revealing the inside parts of the tablet. First, look for obvious issues such a loose wires connecting the speakers. If the speaker appears damaged or dented, or if the wires appear very frayed, you will need to replace the speakers. If there is no visible damage to the inside of the device, the issue is still likely due to the speakers, and you should consider replacing them. To learn how to replace the speakers, check out this guide

Lock Button Does Not Lock Screen

When attempting to power down the screen, the lock button does not turn the screen off.

Simple Issues

Ensure that the button is completely free of dirt and grime before pressing the button. Make sure that the button is pressed completely, and that it is the lock screen button that you are pressing, not the volume button.

Faulty Button

If the button is clean and still will not work, you will need to examine the button from inside the device. To do this, remove the screen from the device. Then, look for the components attached to the button and see if there are any lose wires. If all attached components appear to be in order, examine the button itself to see if there is any visible damage. To learn how to replace the lock button, check out this guide. To learn how to replace the internal component of the lock button, check out this guide.

Flash Does Not Function

When trying to take a picture or use the flashlight, the LED does not light up.

Simple Issues

Ensure that the flash is enabled in whichever application you are currently using. Also, ensure that there is nothing blocking or covering the LED light when using the flash.

Dead Light Bulb

If the light still does not function, it may be because the light bulb is damaged or dead. To replace it, remove the screen. Then look at the front-facing camera. Carefully remove it, then examine the LED light underneath. If there is any debris, ensure that it is cleaned out before removing the light and replacing it. To learn how to replace the flash, check out this guide.

Screen is Broken or Malfunctioning

Screen glass is cracked, lines or dots appear on screen (malfunctioning pixels), blank screen.

Device Did Not Communicate With Screen During Start-Up

Sometimes devices do not start up properly, which can result in screen malfunctions. Restart your device to give it a fresh start-up.

Pixel or Row of Pixels is "Stuck" in a Certain Position

If restarting your device did not fix the issue, consider the following method of "unsticking" pixels.

1. Locate a malfunctioning pixel or row of pixels.

2. Turn your device off.

3. Using a scratch-free, soft narrow surface (I.e. pencil eraser or stylus), gently place pressure on the malfunctioning pixel or row of pixels. Ideally this will "free" them to revert back to their normal color patterns.

4. Apply light pressure for 5 seconds, and repeat three to five times.

Turn your device back on and check if your pixels have reverted to normal. If it is still malfunctioning, check out our next steps.

Pixels or Screen are Not Repairable with Known Methods

If your device screen has gone blank, is cracked, or the pixels are not working correctly (despite attempting the solution above), your screen maybe irreparable. Fortunately, you do have a few cost effective options.

1. Check if your device is still under warranty or has an insurance policy. The manufacturer or insurance company may be willing to exchange your device for a working one, or repair the device at no cost.

2. Replace the screen yourself, which is a fun and gratifying experience. To learn how to replace the screen, check out this guide. Or to learn how to replace the LCD, check out this guide.

Headphones or Auxiliary Speakers Do Not Play Correct Sound

Headphones or speakers put out scratchy sound, skip over parts, or do not play sound at all.

Poor Connection

Verify that there is no debris or corrosion preventing the auxiliary or headphone cable from completely engaging the headphone jack. If you notice debris, turn off your device for safety, then gently attempt to clean it out using a thin pick (i.e. safety pin, paper clip). Be careful not to damage the device. Do not attempt to force the cable into the jack despite resistance from debris, this can cause serious damage to your device. If the connection is clear and good, try the next step.

Bad Speaker or Headphones

Attempt to play sounds through your speaker or headphones from a different device using the same auxiliary cable. If the sound still does not work, your speaker, headphones, or cable is likely broken, not your tablet. If the sound works from another device, read on.

File Does Not Contain Audio

Verify the file you are trying to play contains audio by attempting to play it out of the primary device speaker. If the audio does not play clearly, it is because of the file, and not a faulty headphone jack.

Audio Jack is Damaged Beyond Repair

It is likely that the audio jack on your device is broken or damaged. If your device is still under warranty or insurance, you may be able to exchange your device for a working one or have it repaired.

Aaron Morland

Membre depuis le 10/06/16

346 Réputation

3 tutoriels rédigés


Cal Poly, Team 10-1, Livingston Fall 2016 Membre de l'équipe Cal Poly, Team 10-1, Livingston Fall 2016


2 membres

12 tutoriels rédigés

Un commentaire

I lost my charger & recently replaced it with new one. while connecting power adopter in the socket, power button shows an orange led but as soon as i disconnect, the led get off. In both ways (while adopter is connected to power supply as well as I disconnect) I couldn't able to power on my ASUS tf201. Can some help me what is the reason. Thanks

Anique - Réponse

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