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Device will not power on

The device does not respond when buttons are pressed or does not power on.

Technical error

The device may have a system error. Press and hold the home button and power button down at the same time for 10 seconds. Release the buttons and press the power button. The device powers on.

Faulty power supply

Verify the power cable is plugged into the device and the red charging light turns on. If the power cable is plugged in and the device does not power on, the power cable may be malfunctioning. Consider purchasing a replacement.

Faulty battery

If the power cable is working, but the device still does not power up, the battery may need replacing.  Follow this guide to replace the battery.

Faulty charging port

If the power supply is working and the battery has been replaced, but the device does not power on and the red charging light turns on, the charging port may have a faulty connection.  Follow this guide to replace the charging port.

Device does not hold a charge

The device displays a low battery warning after being fully charged.

Faulty power supply

Verify the power cable is plugged into the device. If the power cable is plugged in, but the red charging light does not turn on, the power cable may be malfunctioning. Consider purchasing a replacement.

Faulty battery connection

If the power supply is working, but the warning still appears, there may be an issue with the battery’s connection to the device. Remove the battery and put it back in.

Faulty battery

If the warning still appears after removing the battery it may be malfunctioning or has stopped working completely. Follow this guide to replace the battery.

Faulty charging port

If the battery has been replaced and the light still appears after being charged, the charging port may not be making a connection to the battery.  Follow this guide to replace the charging port.

Screen is black

The device powers on, but nothing displays on the screen.

Technical error

The device may have a system error. Press and hold the home button and power button down at the same time for 10 seconds. Release the buttons and press the power button. The device powers on.

System error

The device may be experiencing an error with the operation system or system drivers. Plug the device into your computer or laptop, head to, navigate to Settings, and click Repair. Disconnect the device and restart it.

Faulty display screen

The display screen may have malfunctioned. Follow this guide to replace the screen.

No audio playing

When headphones are plugged in, the sound is not audible

Debris in audio jack

There may be debris in the audio jack preventing a connection to the headphones. Gently clean the audio jack with a cotton swab and pressurized air. Plug headphones back into the device and verify that sound is audible.

Faulty headphones

Ensure the headphones are fully plugged into the device.  If there is still no audio, the headphones may be malfunctioning. Plug them into another device to ensure they are working. If they do not work, consider replacing them.

Faulty audio jack

If the headphones are working and there is still no audio, the audio jack may be malfunctioning.  Follow this guide to replace it.

Home button is unresponsive

The device does not return to the home screen when the home button is pressed.

Button is stuck in place

There may be something causing the button to be stuck in place. Gently clean around the button with a cleaning solution and cotton swab.

Faulty home button

The home button connection may have malfunctioned.  Follow this guide to replace the home button.

Victoria Shew

Membre depuis le 08/28/19

503 Réputation

2 tutoriels rédigés


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