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Common Problems

If your controller is not functioning and it is not a hardware issue like faulty analog sticks, the problem is likely caused by one of these common problems.

The Controller Will Not Turn On

The controller does not turn on when fully charged.

The Controller Was Disconnected During a Firmware Update

  • Note: A USB cable must be used. The wireless will not work.
  • Tip: If you have problems getting the controller to turn on, remove the batteries for 15 minutes as this is known to help.
  • Important: A functional controller is required to do this on a console.

If your controller was disconnected during a firmware upgrade, it will not function until the firmware is recovered. To do this, the controller will need to be re-updated as the controller will be in a soft bricked state.

Plug your controller into an Xbox One console or a PC. Whichever option you choose dictates the next steps.

Console recovery

  • Step 1: On the console, navigate to Devices and Accessories.
  • Step 2: Find the controller. It should say Update Required if the correct controller is selected.
  • Step 3: Re-run the firmware update.

PC recovery

Note: Windows 10 is required. If you have a newer build, a Microsoft account is not required. For older versions, this is (generally) the case. If you have an old version of Windows 10 - and cannot upgrade to the latest build to remove the account requirement, make a new account or convert a disposable one.

After you have confirmed your system runs Windows 10, you can begin the controller recovery process.

  • Step 1: Install the Xbox Accessories application.
  • Step 2: Once Xbox Accessories is installed, plug the controller in. It should turn on and say Update Required if your controller is visible to the PC and Xbox Accessories.
  • Step 3: Click Update Required and allow the firmware to reinstall.

If you followed these steps correctly, your controller should be functional again.

The Controller Does Not Function on the Computer

When the controller is plugged into the computer using a USB cable, the controller does not function.

The Controller Drivers Are Not Installed

In Windows 7 and 8.x, the Xbox One controller is known to fail automatic driver installation. This issue is well documented and is caused by the lack of drivers bundled with these operating systems. The issue is made worse by the fact that Windows Update is somewhat notorious for detection issues in some situations. The standard controller offers two driver options:

Note: An administrator account is required to correct this problem. Standard and Limited users will need to know the system admin password..


Note: This option is recommended for the Model 1708 controller due to newer drivers being released, and the age of the .exe driver from 2012 causing incompatibilities.

  • Step 1: Plug in the controller. If the automatic driver installation fails, go on to the next step.
  • Step 2: Open Device Manager and find the controller. This is typically located under Xbox Peripherals (Legacy) in Windows 7 and 8.x systems.
  • Step 3: Select the Driver tab.
  • Step 4: Click Update Driver.
  • Step 5: Try using Search automatically for updated driver software. If this doesn't work, go to Step 6.
  • Step 6: If this did not work, download the driver from Microsoft. Put this in a place you can easily find it on your computer. Once it is downloaded, select Browse my computer for driver software and manually select the driver.

If you did this correctly, your controller should now work.


IMPORTANT: This driver is no longer hosted by Microsoft. A 3rd party link has been provided.

This fix is easier for inexperienced users to understand, but the driver is from 2012. This method is ONLY recommended as a last resort due to the age of the driver, and it may not carry over to a system with Windows 11. NOTE: Users who use this driver may be forced to install the latest version if they use a Model 1708 or 1914 controller. However, it is not required unless your games have problems.

The driver can be found here: TechSpot (64-bit)

Other Problems

Controller Won't Connect to Console

I want to navigate my Xbox One, but my controller refuses to connect or will not stay connected for long.

Low Batteries

Your batteries may be low. If the batteries are low, the controller's wireless signal strength may be weak and therefore will not connect to the console. Replace the batteries in the controller or recharge your battery pack.

Parts: AA Batteries for Xbox One, Xbox One Controller Charging Cable

Tools required: None

Another Wireless Device Is Interfering

A conflicting signal may be responsible for connectivity issues. Consider turning off nearby wireless devices and reconnecting the controller.

Bluetooth connection issues

Note: Bluetooth is a Windows 10 only feature. It does not work in in Windows 7/8.x.

If you are using your controller over Bluetooth and you are having issues and it is not a signal problem, this can be caused by a chipset incompatibility. This is rare but should be considered. This can be tested by using a quality USB adapter.

If you have tried a different Bluetooth device, it is a software or connection problem at the driver or controller level.

Too Many Controllers Are Connected

Xbox One Wireless Receiver (Model 1713)

Make sure you do not have more than eight controllers connected. The Xbox One console is limited to a maximum of eight connected controllers.

Controller Inactivity

If you set down your controller for longer than fifteen minutes and then come back to an unresponsive controller, you may need to turn the controller back on. This is a power saving measure found on later model controllers.

Controller Is Out Of Range

Your Xbox One Controller signal has a range of 30 feet (9.1 meters). Make sure you are within this range.

Controller Is Not Synced

If you sync your controller to another device, you will need to re-sync it back to your console. To do this, turn the Xbox One console on and hold the Sync button on the side of the console in until the light on the console rapidly flashes. Once you do this, press the Sync button on the controller. Your controller should be connected within 5 to 10 seconds.

Mic Preventing Connection

Some people have reported that the controller will not connect with the headset mic plugged in. Unplug the mic, and reconnect. You may have to sync the controller again if this happens. Plug the mic back in after establishing a connection.

If you are using the internal headphone jack, it may be damaged or you are using incompatible headphones. Try unplugging your headphones and then plug them back in. If you continue having problems, try using a different pair of headphones.

If you continue having problems, the internal headphone jack should be replaced.

Parts: Xbox One headphone jack, Xbox One headset adapter

Tools required: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, tweezers (recommended)

Tools are not required if you use the Xbox One headset adapter to fix the issue.

Controller Will Not Turn On

No matter how many times I try to connect or sync my controller, it will not turn on.

Low Batteries

Your batteries may be low. If the batteries are low, the controller's wireless signal strength may be weak, which may prevent connection to the console. Change the batteries in the controller. If you are using batteries that drain too quickly, try using NiMh rechargeable batteries or high quality Alakaline batteries.

Parts: AA Batteries for Xbox One, Xbox One Controller Charging Cable

Tools required: None

Low Battery Pack

Your battery pack may be completely drained. Plug the controller into the console using a MicroUSB cable. To check on the charge status of your battery, press the Xbox button and your current charge level will be displayed.

If the pack will not charge (or drains quickly), replace the battery pack.

IMPORTANT MODEL 1914 NOTE: If you purchase a battery and cable for Model 1914 controllers and the MicroUSB cable is included, the batteries from the previous runs will work, but you will not be bundled USB cable due to the switch to USB-C. This cable issue has been remedied with newly manufactured battery pack bundles, but this also means you need the old cable for pre-1914 controllers if you replace a worn out battery.

Part: Battery pack for Xbox One

Tools required: None

Defective Charge Cable

Your charging cable may be defective and will not charge your controller at all. If this is the case, you will need to buy a new cord. While you can purchase an official Xbox cable, any MicroUSB cable will work to replace the damaged cable.

Part: Xbox One Controller Charging Cable

Tools Required: None

Sticky Buttons

One or more of the buttons on my controller takes longer than usual to pop back up.

Dirt Build Up

There could be minor dirt build up or your controller has sugary drink residue within your controller. Look at our Buttons Replacement Guide so you can get to get to your buttons for cleaning.

Parts: Xbox One Controller Action Button Gasket

Tools required: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, tweezers (recommended)

Replacing the switches themselves requires replacing the main board. However, if you are able to solder and can source out a damaged board or replacement buttons, the problem can be repaired without a new board. This is cheaper, but is time consuming compared to a board replacement.

Part: Xbox One S Controller (1708) Motherboard

Tools: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, soldering station tweezers (recommended)

Malfunctioning Thumbstick

I cannot properly navigate my Xbox One.

Residue Build Up

Your thumbstick may be sticking or not rotating properly. Check out the Thumbstick Replacement Guide so you can get to your thumbsticks and clean or replace the thumbsticks.

Part: Thumbstick cover

Tools Required: TR8 Torx, Spudger

If this does not fix the problem, the thumbstick mechanism may be faulty meaning you should replace the secondary board. However, if you are comfortable with through-hole soldering the analog sticks can be replaced without a new board and frame. This is more time consuming but it is a cheaper fix.


Tools: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, soldering station tweezers (recommended)

Broken Thumbsticks

It is possible that you have been gaming a little too hard and one or both of your thumbsticks are bent or broken. Look at our Thumbstick Replacement Guide to see how you can get back to your hardcore gaming habits in no time.

Part: Thumbstick cover

Tools Required: TR8 Torx, Spudger

If cleaning or replacing the thumbstick covers does not fix the problem, the thumbstick mechanism may be faulty meaning you should replace the main board. However, if you are comfortable with a soldering iron, you can replace the analog sticks without a replacement board.

Controller Won't Vibrate

When I am playing games, my controller refuses to vibrate.

Vibration Setting Not Enabled

Make sure your vibrations setting is enabled. This can be done in the settings of the game you are playing.

Low Batteries

If your batteries are low, the controller may not vibrate in an effort to save the remaining battery life. Replace the batteries or charge your controller.

Parts: AA Batteries for Xbox One, Xbox One Controller Charging Cable

Tools required: None

Vibration May Not Be Supported

Try using another controller on the game that you are playing. If the controller is still not vibrating, the game most likely does not support this option.

The vibration Motor is Defective

If you have tried everything above and your controller still refuses to vibrate, there may be something wrong with the vibration motor. Get ready to grab a screwdriver, you're going to need it for the Trigger Rumble Motor Replacement Guide.
NOTE: Steps in this guide require soldering.

Part: Xbox One controller trigger vibration motor

Tools required: T6 Torx, TR8 Torx, Spudger, soldering station tweezers (recommended)


Membre depuis le 11/10/09

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17 commentaires

My controller got a bit wet and after it dried out and everything works but if I move the controller more than like foot away from the console it disconnects.

Any advice about what the problem is or part/s to fix it?

aaron glaze - Réponse

I have a blue controller, model 1708. I tried putting in my rechargeable battery pack from my old original controller but it won't work. If I hold the X button down it will flash but it will not turn on. Is there a different pack I need or is there a problem with battery packs and this model?

Helen - Réponse

Hey, i have the same problem, i have 2 model 1708’s, the white ones.(btw how is it blue, controller skins or did buy like it, idk and i have 2 green controller skins)

Dog98k -

It came blue. Just using normal rechargeable batteries now on rotation, annoying but sorts it for now.

Helen - Réponse

Secondary board both joystick not working

Neo - Réponse

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