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Technically speaking it’s not that difficult but :
if the glass is badly broken it can require a lot of time, patience and safety precautions (wear glasses !!!),
and there is a risk to damage the wifi antenna.
Make sure the white lines disappear when you reconnect the digitalizer
No need to do those next 6 steps if your new front panel comes with a new home button and camera bracket, unless you want to save those for an other repair
Good repair guide, nevertheless, if you’re swapping your trackpad because you lost the ability to click, consider first that your battery may be aging and expansing its volume which no longer allows the “click travel” correctly. And therefore the trackpad is not the issue but the battery is.
two options here :
_adjust the screw which control the deepness of the click
_the back panel put pressure on the battery which prevent the movement of the trackpad
Ordering a replacement antenna to anticipate the one you will brake(I should say shred) is probably your smartest move to have a successful repair
Use a piece of cardboard paper behind the black tab, to give you some room.
Fold the adhesive removal black tab before sticking the adhesive,, to give it the shape, and be better prepare for step 10.
Be careful ! according to different other customers experience (read ifixit forum) and my own, it might be a hit or a miss.
I tried the upgrade to 16gb, no matter where or which one of the 8gb ram module is place, the Mac doesn’t want to recognize more than one module at a time, so I ended with 8+2=10gb , which is still an upgrade but deceiving money wise.
use two spudgers, one of each side of the connector.
Be ready to replace the glass (good thing mine was already broken, I ordered one). Wear surgery gloves and protective glasses. Trust your nose, if it smell melted plastic, it’s a good clue to stop the heat.
You may have to lift/remove a foam tape on the left side as well
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