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Robot Not Collecting Debris

The robot is moving around a room but fails to pick up any debris

Dirty Side Brushes

Ensure that the brushes beneath the robot are clean and in good condition. If hair or a build up of debris is found, take the following steps:

  • Remove the brushes from the base of the robot
  • Using a damp microfiber cloth, clean the bristles of any hair or obstructions

If upon inspection the brushes seem worn, consider purchasing replacements.

Dirty Main Brush

Ensure the main brush is in good health and free from debris. Access the main brush and cleaning bristles. Remove the end cap of the main brush and clear it of any hair. Use a damp microfiber cloth to clean out any dirt or hair built up on the brush, cap, and cleaning bristles. If upon inspection the brush or cleaning bristles seem worn, consider replacing these components with this guide: Remplacement de la brosse principale Shark ION Robot R75

Faulty Brush Motors

 If the robot isn’t collecting debris, there is a chance that one of the brush motors has failed. Inspect the robot to see if the brushes are turning. Before purchasing new motors, check to see if there are any obstructions or buildups in or around the brushes. If none are found and the brushes aren’t moving, the motors may need replacement. Replace brush motors with this guide: Shark ION Robot R75 Side Brush Motor Replacement

Error Light Indicators

If the “!” indicator light is displayed or flashing on the Shark ION ROBOT, it indicates that there is an error.

All LED Lights are Off

If no lights are showing, this may indicate that the robot may be turned off or that the battery may need charging. To fix this error, press the power switch. If there is no response, place the robot on the charging dock.

Clean RED + “i” Flashing Together

If the Clean RED + “i” are flashing together, it indicates that the suction motor has failed. To fix this error, remove any blockage and clean the filters. Check that there is no obstruction that would otherwise prevent suction.

Clean RED or MAX Light Flashing

 If the Clean RED or Max light is flashing, it means that the robot may be stuck on an obstacle or the front bumper may be jammed. To fix this error, relocate the robot to a different location and inspect the bumper. If light continues to flash, try to remove the front caster wheel and clean the wheel housing.

Dock Light is Flashing

If the Dock light is flashing, it indicates that the robot’s BotBoundary sensors are malfunctioned. To fix this error, make sure to contact Customer Service at 1-800-798-7398.

Clean RED/DOCK Flashing Together

If the Clean RED/DOCK lights are flashing together, then the cliff sensors may have malfunctioned. To fix this error, clean the cliff sensors.

Clean RED/MAX Flashing Together

If the Clean RED/MAX lights are flashing together, it indicates that the dust bin may have been removed. To fix this error, reinsert the dust bin and ensure it is properly secured in place.

MAX/”i” Flashing Together

If MAX/ “i” are flashing together, it indicates that one of the side brushes are stuck. To fix this error, remove any debris from the side brushes.

Clean RED/MAX/ “i” Flashing Together

If Clean RED/MAX/ “i” are flashing together, it indicates that a wheel has been stuck. To fix this error, remove any debris from the wheel(s).

DOCK/MAX/ “i” Flashing Together

If DOCK/MAX/ “i” are flashing together, it indicates a blockage in the main brush. To fix this error, remove any debris or obstruction.

Irregular Robot Movement

Robot movement is sporadic and abnormal.

Dirty Sensors

The easiest fix for irregular movement usually comes from cleaning out the robot’s sensors. Use either a dry microfiber cloth or compressed air to clean the sensors around the bumper and underside of the robot.

Dirty or Worn Wheels

Inspect the drive wheels and caster wheels to ensure that they are free of any obstruction. This is commonly caused by dirt and hair. If upon inspection the wheels seem worn, you may want to consider replacing them.

For a guide on replacing drive wheels, click here: Remplacement de la roue motrice Shark ION Robot R75

For a guide on replacing the caster wheel, click here: Remplacement de la roue pivotante Shark ION Robot R75

Worn Motors

If the robot seems to have trouble moving, especially on a smooth, hard surface (non-carpet), one or both of the drive motors may need to be replaced. Before considering purchasing replacement motors, ensure that the wheels are in good condition and free of obstructions.

For a guide on drive motor replacement, click here: Remplacement de la roue motrice Shark ION Robot R75

Robot Stops Moving After a Few Minutes

The robot moves around as normal, however, it freezes in place a few minutes in.

Battery Level

Verify that the device is powered on and that the battery has a sufficient charge

Obstruction in the wheels

Ensure that the front and rear wheels of the robot are moving freely and clear of any debris that may accumulate and prevent them from moving properly.

Main Brush is clogged

Remove the main brush, and check for a build-up of hair or debris that may have clogged the brush. Remove both sections of the end cap that drives the brush while also removing any hair that has built up.

Worn Drive Motors

If the robot fails to move, there is a chance that one or both of the motors has encountered an issue. Check to see if the motors are making any abnormal sounds, feels hard to turn, or if there is some form of debris stopping them from turning the wheels. If none of these issues are present, then you may want to consider replacing a motor.

For a guide on drive motor replacement, click here: Remplacement de la roue motrice Shark ION Robot R75

Robot Does not Charge

When the robot is docked, it does not charge as it is designed to.

Power Source

Make sure that the charging dock is fully plugged into a wall outlet, power strip, or any other source of power you are utilizing. If it is plugged into a power strip or similar source, ensure that it is switched to on.

Fully Docked

Be sure that when the robot is docked, there are no obstructions that might restrict it from docking fully. This includes small debris.


Verify that the device’s battery is holding at or near the specified charge time. If not, the battery may need to be replaced.

For a guide on replacing the battery, click here: Remplacement de la batterie du robot Shark ION R75

133 commentaires

Why does my shark suddenly start cleaning in the middle of the night?

Donna - Réponse

Do you have pets? Our cats turn on the Shark!

caroledits -

My kitten turns it on lol

Jamison Lynn -

Mine was flashing error msg. that meant roller was dirty. No it wasn’t. The next step was to throw it away so being the kind of person that thinks if you have a hammer you can fix anything, I picked it up about two feet and dropped it. Guess what. It started working!!!

Sheila White - Réponse

This is the best piece of advice out there. Tried cleaning everything then replacing everything. Then I dropped it from 2 feet and it works again.

Michael McDevitt -

Mine was flashing “clean” and “!” for weeks. I had taken it apart countless times. I read this comment, put away my toolkit, picked it up, dropped it, and it works again!!! Thank you!!

Elise patricia -

Stop trying so hard and drop it already! Worked 4 me ! Great advice !

dustin green -

thanks for your advice i also tried everything …… as soon as i picked up and dropped it it worked!!!


Alma Faz -

My whole family is laughing about this fix working. I've been battling this off and on for about a month while we were picking out a replacement. I can't believe this worked. Best advice ever. Lol

Jeremy Taylor -

I cannot believe that this worked. It is melting my brain just trying to figure it out, but I’ll be damned if after dropping it, it started working. If you’re at your wits end, at least give it a shot!

Matt Machmuller -

Can confirm that this dropping method works! Tim the robot vacuum would roll 2". Stop. Beep. The beep just grated on my soul! So I picked it up, dropped it from the suggested 2' and the vacuum is now happily sucking up all the fruity pebbles my lazy children kick under the couch!

Kara Straney -

There is an obvious problem with this machine, everyone's having same malfunction problem. I think robot may be defective from start.

Anyone get any help from the company? Just asking because I don't want to drop mine, then mine be the only one that does not work. 😒 😑

It is annoying 😒 🙄

Joan Hadden-Smith -

Yep! Dropped mine a few times. It’s working now!!

Vanessa Salcedo -

My vacuum has been under the bed for literally over a year because I couldn't get it to work and kept getting an error message. I decided today (after getting a new upright vacuum) to try to figure out what was wrong with the robot one again. Found this forum. Found this message. Went and dropped the robot. It's now rolling around the house again and terrorizing the dog.

I can't believe this worked.

Kevin Kieffer -

I agree - this dropping tip was the ONLY thing that worked for me! LOL! Thank you!

Michelle Flowers -

Dropping worked for me too!! I tried everything else.

Theresa Bruss -

Not gonna lie, I tried the two foot drop and it still wouldn’t work. I was going to throw it away at that point so I launched it across my backyard, and no $@$* it started working. Couldn’t believe it.

Sharkpro -

I cannot believe it. After days of working on the vacuum, but nothing worked. I came across your comment, tried it and it’s working!! Lol

Melisa -

After a week or so of working on my shark ion, nothing worked. However, I’m happy to confirm that this method indeed works.

Melisa -

I gotta tell ya, I’ve never commented on on an FAQ page but I gotta for this one. I don’t care what the book says, DROP THAT ISH from a small height. May take more than one drop. But it do be workin like brand new :)

jenna massicotte -

OMG! It worked!! I cleaned every part of that little Shark Robot, and nothing worked. I took it outside and dropped it twice from about 2 feet, and now it's working like a charm.

Regenia Vance -

Tried and it's true. I have been working on mine for about a month. I found this information and had to try it. It started working immediately.

Cherice Johnson -

Dropping worked like a charm! That “!” And the “Clean” button was flashing red and that horrendous beep was driving me insane. I tried cleaning it for weeks with the same error. Dropped it twice on the floor from table height, and now it’s working good as new!!

Haley E. -

I have cleaned the cliff sensors and charging pads and am still getting the flashing red shark/dock lights

John Hood - Réponse

This aid SOLVED my problem = Thanks !

Jeanne Ghrist - Réponse

The app says suction cup is not working. Vacuum runs 3to10 seconds and flashes red clean. Any suggestions

Chris Phelps - Réponse

I am having the same problem. Any solution? I've cleaned all filters, trays and brushes but nothing is working

Sara Kalina -

I've taken it apart and cleaned everything thoroughly with canned air and a rag. It runs 3 secs and then stops. Flashing red “!” and “clean". Fully charged, sensors are clean, wheels work, brushes spin.

Crystina Marie - Réponse

Did you ever get this problem resolved? Mine is doing the same thing

martin -

Mine is doing the same thing. Did you ever get it to work?

roger rawlings -

Did you ever get it to work? Mine is doing the same thing.

roger rawlings -

Funny how that was my first thought as well and didn't work the first couple of times I tried the percussive maintenance method, but after reading this posting, I tried two more times and now is back in business!

P.S. This is actually the replacement for my original robot which had a side brush issue from day 1…when this one started messing up, I called the support line and was told warranty on the replacement is only 90 days and expired in May, so I'd have to buy a new one at a 30% discount.

Anna Mock -

mine didnt bump into the furniture when it was new, but now it does! help!

Christine Fulton - Réponse

The green light is on—on the power station sometimes it goes to blue, no lights or anything on the shark itself—-will not turn on or work—-batteries been replaced??? Help

Mark Harvey - Réponse

Mines is on and plugged up but no lights are blinking for the battery to charge and it isn’t doing anything what would be the problem?help anyone!!

Tarrance Armstrong -

I had a similar issue. Contacted Shark and provided purchase info. Described problem and they shipped me a replacement unit. By mixing and matching old and new, discovered the problem was with the docking station.

Darci B Worth -

Mine is showing fully charged but when I hit clean, it plays the medley like it just docked it self. It won’t back off the dock and clean.

Stephanie Bennett - Réponse

I had a similar issue. After receiving,replacement unit, I concluded problem was with the docking station.

Darci B Worth -

The app says my bumpers are stuck but the bumper is moving freely. HELP!

dmasters - Réponse

RV1001AE dustbin error after routine cleaning. Have changed filter, turned off/on, reset to factory settings. It still has dust bin error. It clicks in properly every time.

Vicky Burgess - Réponse

My shark died after 90 days. Anybody have any idea?

rodney mulholland - Réponse

My vacuum keeps stopping and flashing the max light. I have cleaned everything, including the front caster wheel. If I gently pick it up and set it back down it always starts up again when I push the button. If I don’t pick it up first and push the button it doesn’t work. This vacuum is not old. I don’t understand what the problem is, but I suspect it has to do with the 2 wheels?

dandersonganderson - Réponse

Mine too. Runs for few second maybe a min then stops and flashes max I’ve cleaned everything no obstructions

This is a pretty new vac that my daughter got for Christmas but didn’t use because of this issue

Luc -

I have cleaned the filter and suction area and it keeps flashing CLEAN/! in red. HELP!


Mine is doing the same thing. Did you get yours working?

sunflower_664 -

My shark robot RV1001AE .The base is fine,but the cleaning unit will not turn on . New battery. Help

william russell - Réponse

Shark in continually beeps while docked

lmortier - Réponse

Mine to, it’s so irritating and mine acts like it’s going to go and it literally just stops and starts beeping. Fully charged with no error message.

Debra Russell -

When the robot is docked there are no lights showing it is charging. If you pull the robot back and put it back on the charger, and then press the clean button, a red LED comes on followed by one blue LED and then 2 cycles of the 3 blue LEDs. After that the clean button does not function or any oyher functions.

Tim Staffler - Réponse

Learned something new. There's a power button. DUH! Must have hit it when I was dislodging it from under the couch. Works great now that the switch is back on.

Tim Staffler -

Thanks for that tid but!! Mine got turned off too some how! I also took it all apart to clean! Lol!

Brian E -

I need the belt inside the motor housing for the main roller for an RV75 ion . It's no longer spinning. It is clear of any debris, even behind the yellow tab that slides onto the shaft. I can't find that belt anywhere. Help? I will disassemble to check, but all signs point to that or the brush motor. Any comparable belts work?

Thom Hemler - Réponse

Constant ERROR 6. Everything is clean nothing is blocking it. I do all that I’m supposed to do put it back on the floor push the blue button nothing push the blue back in a second time and it says our number six. Just had back surgery thought this would work and it’s not helping me at all. I need help from the company please

Cindy Hart - Réponse

I just used my Shark robot for the first time and it came through the kitchen and didn’t actually suck up any crumbs, skipped half the room and then went back to the docking station. What gives???

Megan Dimmick - Réponse

UGH! Not happy! The clean and ! Lights flashing together. Called company they said insides are bad and they give me a 30% discount on a new one today! What a joke. One year and it breaks down seriously

lkaye1960 - Réponse

Same here. Sensors malfunction

Lee Lee -

My clean light was flashing red which means one of the wheels is not up I turned it over noticed the absence of a click when the wheel was moved I opened it up and found the tab that actuates a microswitch is not engaging this which tighten everything down no it works

itzmedonnie - Réponse

My shark IQ won't detect the dust bin.

Gabby - Réponse

Mine just goes in circles. I’ve cleaned sensors and pushed off switch to reset. Is there Anybody else that knows what to do next?

rhtoaks - Réponse

Why does my shark ion WiFi light keep flashing?

Jack - Réponse

my shark just goes around in circles why?

Stephanie Gregorio - Réponse

I received my vacuum before my home was finished being built. I had it stored never took out of box until recently. When I moved in last year I plugged it in to charge and used it 3 to 4 times and then it quit working . Light wont show that it is even being charged. How can it die so quick and not being used every day. I am the only one that lives in my house so it is just me going and coming everyday. Is it the battery or is the thing just not as it was supposed to be.

Rhonda Potter - Réponse

Mine was flashing red clean and max. I cleaned all the sensors, filter, brush, and blew it the inside. Still nothing - so i figured what the heck and dropped from about a foot, nothing so i went maybe 16 in and dropped. It's now running - crazy.

Michael Block - Réponse

I just got my shark this week and it is showing a side brush error when there's nothing on the brushes and they're spinning? Does anyone have a fix for this?

Tailor Linkowski-Leadingham - Réponse

Bought new batteries and the ! Still come on and it dont won't charge what could be the problem…

llonoaea - Réponse

Hi, my 750 shark robot does not run battery tested it’s at 16.4 . I put on direct charge nothing, green light on charge pad is on solid. I can take charge station and move it back and forth light will come on start to show charging for a second than they go out, tried this several times same thing acours .contacks are all clean no build up on charger or vacuum. ??????

Ralph - Réponse

Update: while I did try the drop it method (afterwards), I ended up contacting shark and got a new pod since it was in warranty

Tailor Linkowski-Leadingham - Réponse

Best fix it advice. I too had reported message clean and exclamation alert. I you tube all the causes and I read the “pick it up and drop it” comment I was thinking nah I shouldn’t but guess what I did and turned it on and it went right back to cleaning. Best advice ever. Thank you!!!

Christina Bailey - Réponse

The ! Dock and max keep flashing after 3 mins of cleaning I replaced and cleaned everything nothing is broke and after it does it I clean again it works fine for 3 mins and does it again over and over … I need help

Chris Carlisle - Réponse

My AV751 began beeping at about a 7 second interval at night while on the docking station. 3 blue battery lights showed unit fully charged. The blue light under Clean was lit. Shark support via telephone informed me there is no troubleshooting information and scheduled a replacement unit to be sent to me.

Additional info: Turning on and off simply stopped the beeping. Light status the same. If I push Clean, the unit behaves as though it is backing out of the dock. It moves forward a brief moment and then stops. The beeping starts up again. I purchased through Amazon in October and used once a week. Didn’t have any problem with them accepting my purchase history, but I have found that Amazon provides traceability that companies trust.

Darci B Worth - Réponse

My Shark Ion AV751 started glitching recently. Whenever I hit start, it will move a little bit, then stop and act like the battery is dead. All lights will turn off, then the battery light will turn back on with 2 or 3 bars, along with a solid blue “clean” light. It will then proceed to beep every 10 seconds and blink the battery and clean light. Whenever I hit the dock button it will beep then the ! light will turn on and it repeats the same stuff. What on earth is going on??? I replaced the battery, cleaned the main brush, checked the wheel wells, everything I could think of, but nothing.

professorofsandseology - Réponse

Had same issue. Contacted Shark who replaced unit. I believe the problem originates with the docking station. I had only had mine since

Darci B Worth -

Ever since ours got cat poop on the wheels (it’s my husband’s fault) it says cliff sensors are blocked and it can’t get on or off the pad and can’t go over an area rug anymore. I cleaned everything on the wheels and the cliff sensors. Going to try compressed air. Unit is 3 months old. From qvc.

bdzomba - Réponse

my clean light and the max button both light up at the same time and the robot will not move?

Parlena Zelinski - Réponse

My robot just keeps beeping

Can't connect to it and have cleaned everything

It is maybe a year old

Trying to figure out factory reset turnimg off powet did not work

Terri McCarthy - Réponse

The clean/dock flash green together with the a blinking red (i). What does this mean and how do I fix it

David mumma - Réponse

Anyone have any tips for cliff sensor not working. Cleaned the whole thing and still getting cliff error

Lee Lee - Réponse

When I first got my Shark ion robot it would go up to a wall and stop now it keeps running into everything does anybody know a fix for this?

debbie breese - Réponse

What does it mean when the blue Clean light is flashing and the vaccum keeps making a continuous beeping noise. It wont even start vacuuming either.

Bozerette Productions - Réponse

my shark starts cleaning at night on its own, why?

Mary Kay Henry - Réponse

My robot keeps saying there is an obstruction but there isn’t one, why?

Beth Gibson - Réponse

My shark robot believes the battery is low, but the battery light shows blue as if it is charged.

judyread2009 - Réponse

My shark robot won’t start. When I push the clean button it does nothing. I have checked and the charger is getting power. When it it connected to the charger the clean button will light when pushed above that there is a red light the it turns to 3 blue lights then nothing. - Réponse

Annnnd dropping it worked

Amanda McLaughlin - Réponse

Just replaced wheel assemblies and motors.nShark runs for 2 seconds then stops. (I)/clean/Doc/and Max are all lit up. Help!

Kendra Schuerer - Réponse

Why does my shark say it’s dust cup is missing when it’s not? Dirty censor?

Kris Smith - Réponse

Mine is not working out if the box. It is fully charged. When I hit clean, I get the clean/dock lights flashing, which means cliff sensor error. I have tried multiple locations and cleaned them constantly. But has not wirked no matter what O try. Help.

john sawyer - Réponse

Why does vacuum hit something then actually stuck and stop?

Candy Arnold - Réponse

Why does vacuum hit object, then act stuck?

Candy Arnold - Réponse

When I pit my vacuum on the dock the light stay green.. I haven't enen had it a 6 months. I know the batteries not bad. I cleaned the contacts and still the same help please

Anthony Willis - Réponse

The robot vacuum never worked , fully charged the “clean” lite flashes red while the “dock” light is blue.

The set up instructions are few and lame

[deleted] - Réponse

my battery light flashes when docked but wont communicate. Replaced battery but still doesn’t respond

Ed Mink - Réponse

Mine is flashing clean in red and Max in blue. It will not run.

davidah2o - Réponse

Mine is flashing in Red Clean and Max in blue. Will not run

davidah2o - Réponse

Also it flashed ! And Max will not run

davidah2o - Réponse

OK I have a Rv1001 that can't find the dock station when trying to dock. I have cleaned front bumper visor, cleaned out all sensors. I manually dock it and it gives me a message stating "charging error number 11". I had the docking station replace new. I do get an exclamation mark flashing red while trying to charge and the message stated.

Marcos - Réponse

I picked up my robot mid clean and removed a pine needle from the bin and when I restarted it it said suction motor failure. I watched a you tube video and realized it was going to require a full tear down and I did not want to do that! Thank you for the advice to drop it a few times!!! I put down a yoga mat and dropped her to the ground a few times and VOILÀ! It actually worked after I dropped her top down after I tried wheels down first. THANK YOU.

Liz Seward - Réponse

I have it since December and now it ain't working because climbing sensor isn't working. I would like a refund or new shark vacuum that I spent my hard earned money on

Charles Ortega - Réponse

Three blue lights going from one to the other

Wanda Collins - Réponse

Three blue indicator lights going from one to the other

Wanda Collins - Réponse

Flashing CLEAN and i. Cleaned sensors, cleared for any blockages, etc. Was going to buy another and read comment about dropping two feet. Did the trick. Works. Thank you!

Diane Henderson Miles - Réponse

Message that my vac has an obstruction under the unit, but nothing (no obstruction) is there - very clean!

ejscritchfield - Réponse

Mine will go for 14 seconds and then, I have cleaned it, dropped it, vacuumed it out, wiped it down and fully charged it and STILL only 14 sec........ugh

bahstongirl - Réponse

My shark keep saying clean dust bin everything was cleaned or replaced but still stops with same message no suction clean still not working

Inice Chandler - Réponse

Error notification: no suction clean dust bin and filters. All has been cleaned or replaced yet still have same error notification. Sensors clean as recommended still turns off.

Inice Chandler - Réponse

Dropped mine, like suggested above, after trying everything to fix it. Dropping it to the ground from about two feet up worked! It’s working perfectly now!

Liz Phonesavanh - Réponse

Well I did everything that they told me to do when I called it in and it didn’t work then I called in another number and they said out of warranty too bad!so I watched YouTube videos did everything they said still didn’t work flashing clean button red flashing! Point! And then I read a comment that said I picked it up and I dropped it well that’s about where I felt what the heck I’m going to throw it away might as well drop it picked it up dropped it the third time the thing took off and runs like a dream and no more flashing lights so obviously these things have a problem, but problem resolved with a drop. Thank you sheila White for your comment and your suggestion!

Jean Vestal - Réponse

So I came to see what to do, because my “Share Bait” wasn’t working it would flash red Max light, I cleaned it all and nothing worked. I read in the comments a few people dropped it and it started working, I thought to myself I’ll give it a try. OMG 😳 it started working again my drop was a few inches from the floor. It worked Thanks everyone

Elena Bravo - Réponse

Why does mine keep peeping and won’t move?

Debra Russell - Réponse

My suction was also not working. I dropped it multiple times. Then dropped it on its side and is now WORKING!!

Megan Brown - Réponse

My Shark vacuum is fully charged and I've checked the wheels, but when it goes; it'll go straight for a second, spin in a half circle and go again.

Catherine Sinclair - Réponse


Our vacum doesn’t charge anymore. We checked the batteries and they are still good.

When the robot is on the dock, we can hear that it has been emptied but no sign of batteries charging

Can someone please has an answer on this problem?


sasportasmuriel - Réponse

My wifi Light wont turn on, is there anything wrong ? - Réponse

My shark r75 begins to clean for a while then it stops for a few minutes then starts again for a few minutes and repeats it again over and over. No red flashing . What is the problem?

Faye Hardin - Réponse

I put new side brushes on and they keep breaking.

Ricky Baker - Réponse

Why does my shark robot RV750 will not turn back on when I turn it off. I have to unplug the battery and then plug it back in for it to come back on. I also can't get it to connect to my wifi after pairing it.

Faye Hardin - Réponse

tried to schedule robot vac but it says scheduling off and the button is unresponsive

Jenny Salisbury - Réponse

Throw away, they are a piece of crap. My lights blink, runs, then stops, tried everything. Bought a Lefant for $100, works excellent. MyShark is in the trash today!

Dema Lee - Réponse

My Shark Ion 750 model keeps getting a low suction strength, I tested that the brush is spinning, replaced the vacuum motor in it, and have even replaced the main board. However, I still keep on getting a low suction strength when trying to run my robot. Is there anything else that I can try to do to fix this? The filters are also brand new and the debris tank which collects the dust has been cleaned via an air compressor and washed with just water and left to dry for 2 weeks before retrying to use the vacuum to ensure that water damage was not possible. What other items may I check or attempt to work on to get this to vacuum my house again, ideally without purchasing more replacement parts?

Steven Anderson - Réponse

Mine was just making beeping noises and I dont know how to fix it no lights are flashing it even is on the charging dock

Someone - Réponse

No joke, I dropped it and it works! Wth?! I was afraid to drop it because I thought there is no way. I found a soft rug and dropped it from about 2 ft (1 ft didn’t work). Must be something was jammed up and it knocked it loose.

Jamison Lynn - Réponse

Clean (red) and MAX flashing together, even after puting the dust bin properly back in place. What to do next?

Adriano Pires - Réponse

I'm so tired of having to replace these shark robot vacuums every 6 months. I've changed all the filters and parts and it still doesn't work.

Jeffrey - Réponse

My shark robot’s side brush bristles fell off after 1st use. How do I remove its peg from the vacuum cleaner to replace the brush. Can’t pull it out.

Neeta Singh - Réponse

Just bought a used shark ion r75, and it won’t charge at all. Only been used 3 times from what they say. The doc lights up blue when vacuum is in place, but no lights come on at all. It’s powered on while on dock. I e checked the battery, cleaned charging ports. Nothing is happening. What could be the issue?

Jolynn Neal - Réponse

Dropping it worked for me too, but 3 months later the clean light is flashing red and dopping is not helping. I have only had the vacuum for a year. It costs too much to work for only a year.

Mary K - Réponse

I have an error low suction. I cleaned the filter, bin, and wheels.

Sharky - Réponse

My shark lines up facing the home base, but when it backs up to it it goes off to the side and cannot dock. Why?

Iris - Réponse

Everything is clean and my shark is still flashing clean and max…. Help?!?!

Katie Avery - Réponse

Dropped mine after it was flashing clean and ! And it works perfectly!! Just drop it!!

Candi Miller - Réponse

OMG!!! Dropping about 2 feet on my garage floor did the trick. Rosie is working again and I am so happy!!

FunnyGirl - Réponse

Clean RED + “i” Flashing Together: I do everything but the error still exists, should I replace the filter?

lengocho - Réponse

The Clean RED + “i” are flashing together: I do removed any blockage and clean the filters and check that there is no obstruction that would otherwise prevent suction but the error still appears. What should I do next? Thanks

lengocho - Réponse

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Dernières 24 heures : 2

7 derniers jours : 38

30 derniers jours : 135

Total : 151,761