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  1. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max, Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 1, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max, Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 1, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max, Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 1, image 3 de 3
    • Après sa transformation complète de l’année dernière, le nouvel iPhone semble très familier. On dirait que nous sommes de retour sur un cycle de mise à niveau en toc pour le moment. Voici ce que nous savons :

    • Système sur une puce (SoC) A12 Bionic hexa-core avec un Neural Engine „nouvelle génération“

    • Écran OLED Multi-Touch super Retina de 5,8 pouces (2436 × 1125) et 6,5 pouces (2688 × 1242) 458 ppp avec True Tone, large gamme de couleurs et 3D Touch

    • Caméras arrières de 12 MP (grand angle et téléobjectif) avec une ouverture de respectivement ƒ/1.8 et ƒ/2.4 et OIS (stabilisation optique d'image), ainsi qu'une caméra selfie de 7 MP avec un hardware TrueDepth Face ID

    • 64 Go de mémoire intégrée (configurations optionnelles de 256 et 512 Go)

    • LTE de classe Gigabit (non 5G) ainsi que 02.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi w/MIMO, Bluetooth 5.0 et NFC

    • Résistance à la poussière et à l'eau améliorée avec un indice de protection IP68

    Is the screen made by Samsung or LG

    Johan Khan - Réponse

    You people wrongly understood the ip rating , 2 metres in a narrow tube can’t make a commendable pressure to break through the ingress protection. Same will not withstand in a higher volume tank or pond where the pressure is relatively higher than this thinner tube

    Jacob C - Réponse

    I have this phone and forgot it was on my patio table when I lightly hosed it off, it barely got wet and there was no water under the cover but then bright green lines appeared on the screen from top to bottom, it shut itself off and won’t turn back on. Used blow dryer lightly, left it in rice, tried to force restart but phone does not respond to anything, its completely dead. On youtube it’s submerged in water and they get it to work. Mine barely got wet and it’s dead.

    julie halliburton - Réponse

    Same for me …. and that’s when Face ID stopped working

    nkivell -

    My Face ID doesn’t work anymore on my Xs , told unfixable by apple

    nkivell - Réponse

  2. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 2, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 2, image 2 de 2
    • Nous ne sommes pas de ceux qui jugent un livre par sa couverture en Gorilla Glass, mais ces coques n'indiquent pas tellement de changements par rapport au dernier iPhone X que nous avons vu sur cette table.

    • ... Une nouvelle couleur dorée luxueuse, une nouvelle option de taille XL et c'est tout.

    • Heureusement, Creative Electron est venu nous donner un aperçu de tous les rebondissements cachés que nous pourrions avoir. (Leur technique de haute technologie utilise toujours les rayons X qui se prononcent toujours "rayons X".)

  3. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 3, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 3, image 2 de 2
    • Voilà, nous avons tous nos "iks", euh, dix alignés.

    • Nous remarquons qu’une bande d’antenne supplémentaire s’est installée là où vivaient nos amis Trou du Microphone Gauche. La rumeur veut que ce soit pour le „Gigabit LTE“ et cela semble faire la différence.

    • Notre ingénieur spécialiste des démontages fait double emploi de tournevis, preuve de son excellence dans la discipline à deux tournevis, et ce dès le début du démontage.

    • Pas sur la photo : la main droite supplémentaire de notre ingénieur spécialiste des démontages.

    “Here we have all our exes erm, tens lined up”

    How does that country song go? “All my ten’es live in Tennessee?” :-)

    name99 - Réponse

    All my tenses live in Kansas?

    fury -

    Why is the speaker holes not symetrical like the old iphone designs?

    Rodney Orca - Réponse

    My apologies, I did not read the fine print above.

    ryan - Réponse

  4. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 4, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 4, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 4, image 3 de 3
    • Apple est peut-être en train de changer son système de dénomination, mais nous sommes ravis qu’ils aient conservé la procédure d’ouverture.

    • L’iOpener cumule une double tâche pour ramollir l'adhésif dissimulé, puis une ventouse et un spudger hallebarde viennent libérer l’écran.

    • Même si nous craignions qu’Apple utilise beaucoup d’adhésif pour atteindre son indice de protection IP68, nous n’avons eu pas plus de mal à ouvrir ces téléphones que leur prédécesseur à IP67.

    Didn't you skip the part of removing the 2 screws? Proofread your stuff

    Patrick Johnson - Réponse

    Did you miss step 3?

    Dillan -

    Patrick, it’s in the picture of step 3. Pay attention.

    Nathan Prodell - Réponse

  5. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 5, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 5, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 5, image 3 de 3
    • Nous sommes un peu à court de bras dans ce démontage 2 en 1, alors nous avons fait appel à un expert local pour nous aider à ouvrir les téléphones.

    • Il s'avère que l'absence de pouces opposables ralentit un peu les choses, mais nos tournevis facilitent tellement la tâche, même au kangourou.

    • Une fois les écrans mis de côté, nous commençons à remarquer quelques différences entre le XS et le XS Max.

    • Le Taptic Engine dans le XS Max a été redimensionné — gros téléphone, donc vibrations plus importantes ?

    • Le XS Max a également une carte mère plus large avec un des connecteurs de l’écran déplacé vers le bas.

    • La batterie du XS semble étrange et nouvelle, tandis que la batterie du XS Max reste sur un design familier.

    I think skippy voided the warranty

    Dave - Réponse

    I can't with the Wikipedia hyperlink. Thanks, Taylor.

    theParadox42 - Réponse

  6. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 6, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 6, image 2 de 2
    • À la recherche de signes d’amélioration de la résistance à la pénétration, nous portons notre attention sur le plus grand trou non scellé de l’appareil : la fente de la carte SIM.

    • Bien que leur forme soit légèrement différente, après une inspection plus poussée, les joints (les pièces importantes) ne semblent pas avoir beaucoup changé depuis la dernière version. Cela dit, si nous étions en Chine, il y aurait un autre aspect à cette histoire de carte SIM.

    • Maintenant que l'ensemble des périphériques du dessus est détaché, nous pouvons enfin nous concentrer sur la pièce la plus importante de chaque iPhone série S : la carte mère !

    Will a locked US phone be able to use a sim or an esim from a second (non-US) carrier?

    Charles Krueger - Réponse

    From Apple support:

    To use two different carriers, your iPhone must be unlocked. Otherwise, both plans must be from the same carrier. If a CDMA carrier provides your first SIM, your second SIM won't support CDMA. Contact your carrier for more information.

    Charles Krueger - Réponse

    Does the sim slot on the board have contacts on both sides that would support the dual tray if it could fit through the housing?

    adambehrendt - Réponse

    Why my phone shows no service but i changed to another phone , its works fine

    dene shenni - Réponse

    I have a china purchased xs max and a non functional USA xsmax ,i need the esim to get multiple lines ,can i replace the china sim part and with the usa sim part and get the china esim working?

    Justice Quarshie jnr - Réponse

  7. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 7, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 7, image 2 de 2
    • Ayant déjà vu ce genre de carte mère une fois, nous avons réussi à séparer ce sandwich de PCB. Voyons ce qu'il y a en haut de la couche supérieure (Xs à gauche, Xs Max à droite) :

    • Mémoire Flash 64 Go SB3243V85691CHNA1 Toshiba

    • Codec audio 338S00248 Apple (probablement de Cirrus Logic)

    • CI transmetteur de puissance Cypress CPD2 USB

    • Port multiplexeur écran NXP CBTL1612

    • Convertisseur DC pour batterie Texas Instruments 61280

    audio code is cirrus logic?

    tim cook - Réponse

    Main PCBs are from AT&S,nice!

    Peng - Réponse

    Question: What the hack happened to the first pictures Kondensators on the right site? Was it like this when you got it?

    Jan Blatt - Réponse

    melting a circuit board apart is hard, and stuff gets shifted.

    Liam Powell -

  8. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 8, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 8, image 2 de 2
    • Ordinateur, zoomez et améliorez la partie inférieure du panneau supérieur :

    • Système sur une puce (SoC) Bionic A12 APL1W81 Apple posé sur Micron MT53D512M64D4SB-046 4 Go LPDDR4X SDRAM

    • CI de gestion d'alimentation STMicroelectronics STB601A0 (probablement pour Face ID)

    • 3x amplificateurs audio Apple 338S00411, deux pour le stéréo et un pour le haptique

    • CI de gestion d'alimentation 338S00383-A0 Apple (probablement des systèmes de dialogue)

    • CI de gestion d'alimentation 338S00456 Apple

    • CI de gestion d'alimentation 338S00375 Apple (probablement produit par Dialog Systems)

    • Chargeur de batterie TI SN2600B1

    Any ideas how the dual SIM support (physical SIM’s) will work for the China only model? In the presentation Phil stated the two SIM’s would be held in the carrier back to back.

    For all the other’s I assume the eSIM would have the ability to support two SIM codes on the Xs. And on the Xs Max one physical and one eSIM is that correct?

    Dan - Réponse

    those are not codecs.. those are amps from cirrus?

    tim cook - Réponse

    It looks like one SMT Component was placed a little skewed in the upper left corner?

    jfro63 - Réponse

    I'll bet that capacitor shifted while separating the top board.

    Christian DeYong -

    What’s the size of the A12 chip?

    Tim R. - Réponse

    who are Dialog Systems?

    camerongribble - Réponse


    Dialog used to provide PMIC for Apple iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and iPod. Apple processor-based system always uses Dialog’s PMIC solution. But, from iPhone XS Max, seems, Apple starts to uses its own design on PMIC just as Dialog said that before. refer to

    JJ Wu -

  9. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 9, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 9, image 2 de 2
    • En creusant un peu plus loin, on trouve la carte RF (Xs à gauche, Xs Max à droite) :

    • Système sur une puce (SoC) Apple/USI 339S00551 (Xs) et 338S00540 (Xs Max) WiFi/Bluetooth

    • Processeur/modems de bande de base Intel PMB9955 (probablement XMM7560)

    • Désolés de décevoir les fans de Qualcomm.

    • Microcontrôleur à 32 bit ST Microelectronics ST33G1M2 avec ARM SecurCore SC300

    • Il s'agit de la même carte SIM intégrée (eSIM) que celle trouvée dans l'Apple Watch Series 3 et le Google Pixel 2 XL.

    • Contrôleur NFC NXP 100VB27

    • Module de recharge sans fil Broadcom 59355A210646

    which one is the gps chip?

    Victor Stewart - Réponse

    intel modem supports GNSS feature. It won’t have discrete GNSS chip in the iPhone XS.

    JJ Wu -

    Any idea on what the purple marked chip is? You’ve only marked it on one board as well.

    Dan - Réponse

    Why would the modems be different between the two phones?

    GromitInWA - Réponse

    GPS is integrated with modem

    bigzuo - Réponse

    At least I’m glad Apple is finally selling one model of iPhone Xs/Xs Max for all carriers in the U.S. although I would prefer they had a Qualcomm Snapdragon X20 instead. The whole mess with Qualcomm chips on one model (A1865) and Intel chips on another (A1901) on the X last year was quite a childish call from Apple, IMO.

    Alan Garcia - Réponse

    Is 338S00540 (XS Max) WiFi/Bluetooth module from Murata?

    JJ Wu - Réponse

    Does iphone xs max launched in china and hong kong have embedded sim with yellow marked?

    hayannargae - Réponse

  10. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 10, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 10, image 2 de 2
    • Carte RF, deuxième partie :

    • Duplexeur amplificateur de puissance haute / moyenne bande Avad 8092M (PAD)

    • Duplexeur MIMO Murata 500 4x4

    • Modules d'amplificateur de puissance Skyworks 206-15 and 170-21

    • Émetteur-récepteur RF Intel 5762

    • Commutateur RF Skyworks S775

    • Amplificateurs à faible bruit Skyworks 5941 GPS

    • IC de gestion de puissance Intel 6829

    Where is Tristar ic ?

    jakhoo - Réponse

    Whats happening with those caps in the centre top?

    Dylan Bartlett - Réponse

    Am i reading this right that Skyworks has 10 CHIPS total on the above boards?? or are some of the items highlighted on the images just the back side of the board

    cogo - Réponse

    What’s a PAD?

    Ben Hurr - Réponse

    It stands for power amplifier duplexer—I updated the teardown with it spelled out.

    Adam O'Camb -

  11. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 11, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 11, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 11, image 3 de 3
    • Il est temps de parler de caméras ! L’année „S“ s’accompagne souvent d’une mise à niveau de la caméra et Apple avait beaucoup à dire au sujet de ces nouveaux capteurs.

    • La taille du capteur grand angle a été augmentée de 32 %.

    • La taille des pixels a également été augmentée, apportant de meilleures performances à faible luminosité et contribuant à la nouvelle fonctionnalité "Smart HDR".

    • Seul le temps dira si des pixels plus gros peuvent aider à battre l'impressionnante caméra du Pixel 2 de l'année dernière.

    • Il y a une chose qu’Apple a oublié de dire au sujet de la nouvelle caméra : ces 32 % doivent aller quelque part et il s’avère que la bosse de la caméra devrait augmenter un petit peu ; votre étui pour iPhone X pourrait ne pas correspondre à votre iPhone XS.

    • Mise à jour du démontage : nous avons fait quelques tests et les modules de caméra XS et XS Max semblent être identiques, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez interchanger la caméra des deux modèles sans problème.

    What are the dimensions of the new vs old camera modules?

    Andrew Yang - Réponse

    And what make and type have they used please

    Anthony Furniss - Réponse

  12. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 12, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 12, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 12, image 3 de 3
    • Après avoir disséqué les cerveaux et les yeux, nous jetons un coup d'œil à la force qui alimente ces téléphones.

    • Le XS contient une batterie à 10,13 Wh (2659 mAh à 3,81 V) de 39,5 g, légèrement plus petite que celle de l’iPhone X de l’année dernière.

    • Mais cette diminution de capacité s'accompagne d'une nouvelle configuration de la batterie. Plutôt que d'utiliser deux cellules pour remplir cette cavité en forme de L, Apple a construit une toute nouvelle batterie monocellulaire.

    • Sans surprise, la batterie XS Max se distingue par sa capacité, avec 12,08 Wh (3,179 mAh à 3,80 V) et un poids de 46,6 g. Pas de cellule unique ici cependant !

    • Les deux ont leur place dans le régiment des batteries du S9 et du S9+, mais sont trop petites pour celui du Note9.

  13. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 13, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 13, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 13, image 3 de 3
    • Jetons un coup d'œil sur l’origami de batterie d’Apple !

    • Depuis 2015, lorsque le Macbook 12 pouces a été annoncé avec une batterie en terrasse, Apple a cherché à tirer le maximum de chaque espace dans le boîtier de ses appareils avec des batteries profilées.

    • Ces brevets montrent les solutions qu’ils ont trouvées pour venir à bout des problèmes complexes tels que la dilatation thermique, en utilisant différentes tailles de couches et précisément en pliant avec précision des feuilles d’électrode aux formes complexes coupées sur mesure pour s’adapter à ces contours.

    • Ce qui est intéressant, c'est que cette cellule unique utilise mieux l'espace, mais a moins d'énergie.

    • Les coins et bords supplémentaires de la batterie monocellulaire du XS seront soumis à des contraintes supplémentaires. Il sera intéressant de voir comment cette nouvelle batterie se comportera au fil du temps.

    The single L shape has me concerned. Especially in low degree countries where temporal heat plus use could make expansion an issue. How did they manage to reinforce the 90 degree angle so as to not break the line and cause a runaway?!?

    Maybe some crazy could dissect the battery and see what they did

    John clark - Réponse

    The radius at the internal 90 degree angle will spread out the stress. We’ll just have to wait awhile to see if that is enough.

    Josh - Réponse

  14. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 14, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 14, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 14, image 3 de 3
    • Ce qui était révolutionnaire l’année dernière est vite devenu un standard. Le XS et le XS Max sont tous les deux équipés d'un ensemble de capteurs pour la technologie sophistiquée Face ID d’Apple.

    • Il est temps de pêcher les bruiteurs ! Le Taptic Engine et le haut-parleur sortent d'un bloc, mais il est facile de les séparer et de les remplacer individuellement.

    • Le Xs Max dispose d'un ensemble d'unités de rétroaction légèrement plus costaud, mais les deux moteurs Taptic Engine sont fidèles aux conceptions d'antan.

    • Pour continuer avec les points communs, les ensembles haut-parleur interne du XS et du XS Max sont presque identiques, avec juste un peu de volume pour le haut-parleur de Max.

    Nice to have more FPC connectors.

    DouglasVinicio - Réponse

    How did they accommodate the barometric sensor this time round since there isn't any holes for them?

    tommyluu - Réponse

  15. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 15, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 15, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 15, image 3 de 3
    • Tout au fond, nous trouvons quelques puces d'écran et une tonne de nappes minuscules.

    • Il semble que la vitre arrière est toujours coincée entre la bosse pour la caméra et le cadre et fixée par des douzaines de points de soudure.

    • Malgré la multitude des améliorations apportées à cet iPhone, il dispose toujours de la même construction vitrée à l'arrière que l'iPhone 8 et l'iPhone X, ce qui veut dire qu'il suffit d'une toute petite fissure pour se retrouver obliger à changer le cadre entier.

    The flash gasket should be in the opposite way: with the cut corner leaving space for the camera frame

    serdev94 - Réponse

  16. Vue éclatée des iPhone XS et XS Max: étape 16, image 1 de 1
    • Notre démontage synchronisé de deux iPhones touche à sa fin.

    • Nous soupçonnons que cela marque le début d'une nouvelle ère dans la conception de la batterie de l'iPhone. Pour le moment, le concept d'une seule cellule soigneusement profilée est limité au plus petit XS, mais nous nous attendons à la revoir bientôt. Peut-être dans l'iPhone XR ?

    • Un très grand merci à nos hôtes chez Circuitwise à Sydney en Australie ainsi qu'à nos très bons amis chez Creative Electron pour leurs images radio fantastiques.

    • Oh, encore une chose. Voici venu le moment d'attribuer une note de réparabilité.

    And charger port!!!?

    il Gato - Réponse

  17. Dernières pensées
    • La réparation de l'écran et de la batterie a toujours la priorité dans la conception de l'iPhone.
    • Un écran cassé peut être remplacé sans enlever le matériel biométrique Face ID.
    • L’usage libéral de vis est préférable à la colle, mais vous avez toujours besoin des tournevis spécifiques Apple (Pentalobe et Tri-Point) en plus d’un tournevis standard cruciforme.
    • Les mesures d’étanchéité compliquent certaines réparations, mais le risque de dégâts causés par un liquide est moindre.
    • Le verre à l'avant et à l'arrière double le risque de dégâts en cas de chute. De plus, si la coque arrière casse, vous devrez retirer chaque composant et remplacer tout le châssis.
    Indice de réparabilité
    Indice de réparabilité de 6 sur 10
    (10 étant le plus facile à réparer)

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Taylor Dixon

Membre depuis le 06/26/18

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94 commentaires

This phone is really similar to the X, but the battery thing is interesting.

Liam Powell - Réponse

I'm guessing they are released a little earlier in New Zealand than Australia, I'm surprised you don't go there to tear them down?

Brad Phone Screens - Réponse

They did! they where in Sydney, Australia

Dan -

But they were beaten to the punch by a Dutch company because the provider started to sell the devices 1 day too early

FD Tech -

iFixit still is the #1 on teardown - the Dutch guys were first, but no way as detailed as iFixit guys always are.

Troy Holder -

I am waiting for the iPhone XR.

[deleted] - Réponse

Why Xs and Xs Max have different types of battery?

Andrew GUO - Réponse

Slightly different phones. I’d think the two piece of the max, a larger and thus hotter display, is actually safer.

John clark -

Wonder how long it takes to charge that XS Max battery on the included 5W brick (it’s not 12/5 exactly, since it slows down towards the last 20%). Come on now Apple, it’s time to include fast chargers.

tipoo - Réponse

Considering there is three stages of charging 5w 12w and USBC brick USBC to lighting , At least the could supply the abundant 12 watt chargers. I Also always felt ripped off on this. All I could put it down to was space saving in the packaging for the short changing

iRessurect -

Considering the battery brouhaha I find it not surprising at all - after all, faster charging creates higher heat which can result in premature battery death.

vernea -

Is the display from LG or Samsung? They still using the modem from Qualcomm? Thanks

Steven Tan - Réponse

I was wondering the same thing on the display.

Zack Thompson -

The modems are intel

Dillan -

LG makes Apple screens buddy, the days of Samsung and Apple for screens been over since 2017 - as well as Apple & Qualcomm for modems - they are all at “war” - all modems are made by Intel, even though Intel modems can’t beat Qualcomm, nor LG’s screens cant beat Samsung.

Troy Holder -

I guess like last year Samsung. In the Oled segment Samsungs ycreens aren't as likely to burn in.

timi220402 -

XS displays are from Samsung, XS-Max are from LG, but they are both designed by Apple. Apple actually uses their own OLED display design and I’m not talking about the dimensions, I’m talking about the actual display technology. Apple’s just using Samsung and LG to mfg. Apple’s display designs.

mbc2302000 -

To mbc2302000,

This is incorrect.

The manufacturing process of OLEDs is extremely complicated and the underlying technology of the display comes from the manufacturer so that customers can benefit from economies of scale. This is why Apple is never specific about the technology behind the display except using the word “custom” because they are neither the designer of the technology nor the inventor; they are merely the customer and do not understand the technology (But they sure love tricking their customers into thinking they played a role in the tech’s development.

Apple just picks which display they want to buy and customize it a bit like how you would customize a pizza from dominos. None of the customizations are about the underlying technology; it’s just simple things like dimensions and color gamut.

Big Pee Pee -

The display from Samsung’s AMOLED, it is the best smart-phone display in the world before S10 at the next year, but modems are intel,beacuse the lawsuit between Apple & Qualcomm,i think.

PhDChainsmokers -

Are the XS and the X screens interchangeable? Or did apple make enough of a change to make them different?

brandon - Réponse

I am wondering the same!

Nisay Atsu -

the screens are not interchangeable b/c the size dimensions are different - 5.8” vs 6.5” screen sizes

Troy Holder -

Troy - re-read the question. Brandon said X & XS - they are both 5.8

Mark Tiddy -

I believe they are as I counted the number of pins for the display Connectors. They both match up evenly. The OLED connector has 17 pins and the Digitizer Connector has 14 pins on both phones (X and Xs) .Ovousally the X and XS Max wont work because of size differences, but the X and Xs should work. The only reason these screens wont work together is if apple put some software implication to stop users from switching the screens out.

iPhone 3GS KING -

Does the new iPhones have 4x4 MIMO antennas?

DheerajR - Réponse

Yes, you can see this on the product page.

jadenkeuten -

Hmm. Sorry I was asking about the wifi antennas. The LTE sure has 4x4 antennas. But the wifi is still only 2x2!

DheerajR -

Is the new Broadcom GPS receiver with up to 30 cm precision in the iPone? This would be a very, very big deal.

mikero1 - Réponse

I think it isnt the Broadcom 47755 or iFixIt would of called it out. iFixIt team, can you please let us know what the GPS chip is. Thanks.

Carl -

intel modem supports GNSS feature. It won’t have discrete GNSS chip in the iPhone XS.

JJ Wu -

From what I can find the L5 signal is still considered pre-operational as it won't have full coverage for several years due to the delay in Block III deployment. While I was also hoping for the same chip I can understand is not being a priority if the system won't be fully deployed until the iPhone 12 or 12s at the earliest.

Brian Rossman -

I also wonder why modems are different on each board, different Intel part numbers…

PabloU - Réponse

Intel modems might be decent, definitely cheaper than Qualcomm, but they no way as fast or come near to being fast as Qualcomm ones.

Troy Holder -

is the iphone X screen compatible with XS ??

Dyaa Amer - Réponse

No. Apple NEVER lets you get away with using previous year phone parts in the current year’s phones!! HAH!

Troy Holder -

Already did, the iPhone SE uses the display of 5S

paulostool -

I believe they are as I counted the number of pins for the display Connectors. They both match up evenly. The OLED connector has 17 pins and the Digitizer Connector has 14 pins on both phones (X and Xs) .Ovousally the X and XS Max wont work because of size differences, but the X and Xs should work. The only reason these screens wont work together is if apple put some software implication to stop users from switching the screens out !

iPhone 3GS KING -

you guys are cool

linuxjh - Réponse

It was stated that iPhone XS uses Micron MT53DS12 LPDDR4X SDRAM but not the amount. What was the amount?

Josh - Réponse

Pretty certain I read the XS and XS Max have 4GB, and the XR will have 3GB.

Jason Clark -

iPhone XS Max: 3,174mAh / 4GB RAM

iPhone XS: 2,658mAh / 4GB RAM iPhone X: 2,716mAh / 3GB RAM

iPhone XR: 2,942mAh / 3GB RAM iPhone 8 Plus: 2,675mAh / 3GB RAM

information found on The Verge

eric -

It wasn’t stated on the teardown when I first posted, until now. And I never take rumors to be true until I see it in a tear down.

Josh -

Can you give us the measurement of the camera sensors? Everyone is saying 32% larger but I’d love to know the specific sensor sizes. Thank you!

Aaron Schendel - Réponse

How did this score better than the Note 9?!! Is there a bit of apple bias here? Considering that iFixit is the company that complains about pentalobe, tripoint, etc, it would seem like you give apple higher scores than warranted?

Isaiah Payton - Réponse

Note9 Assembly is glued shut, and harder to open (plus the display is virtually irreplaceable) whereas on the iPhone, its a way easier process to open up the device, and replace the display

Andrew Demetriou -

^What Andrew said. It’s true pentalobes and tri-points are a bummer compared to standard screw types, but any screw is vastly preferable to glue. The two most common phone repairs are screens and batteries, and Apple’s designs make those repairs easy compared to late-model Samsungs.

Jeff Suovanen -

No USB3.0 Data Speed again. Still USB 2.0

geniusquantum - Réponse

That’s the first thing I looked for when I got my XS Max lol

iliketurtuls -

What are the details on the chips found in Step 15?

swax - Réponse

Love this so much! Thanks, Guys! My FixIt addiction has temporarily been fixed!


Cirina Catania - Réponse

Toshiba TSB3243V85691CHNA1 flash storage is MLC or TLC?

tonychan - Réponse

Where are the new stereo microphones located on the exterior?

Richard Haig - Réponse

Does the iPhone X screen fit the Xs ?

iPhone 3GS KING - Réponse

I did the work my self (sorta) Please test out to confirm this.

I believe they are as I counted the number of pins for the display Connectors. They both match up evenly. The OLED connector has 17 pins and the Digitizer Connector has 14 pins on both phones (X and Xs) .Ovousally the X and XS Max wont work because of size differences, but the X and Xs should work. The only reason these screens wont work together is if apple put some software implication to stop users from switching the screens out.

iPhone 3GS KING -

Seems to be a lot more room for a headphone jack….

Scott Wilkins - Réponse

Ya I thought there would be one of you guys here. You realize no ones changing there mind even if you don’t buy there phone in protest, Right? Millions other will just buy it, cause they don’t give a crap about moving away from the past as you so pathetically continue to hold onto.

So keep complaining little one it means nothing to anyone, but it is funny for those self aware enough to laugh at your stupidity. In thinking anyone would change because your pathetic ass told them too. You won’t ever have that power but keep trying, it makes for an adorable scene thats for sure.

The Realist -

Just thinking about the Display of Max is it get-able

I Fix - Réponse

You mean if iFixit will be able to sell replacements likely yes but since its the OLED variant it will take time for them to get quality replacements out. Just be patient and don’t break your XS series phone that quick. lol

The Realist -

Are there any differences in the FaceID Sensors compared with the X? Still a STM ToF sensor and TI Flood Illuminator?

Eric Anderson - Réponse

Same thing I was wondering, from this tear down it seems like there is no Flood Illuminator. @ValinV

David Poh -

The flood illuminator is mounted to the display, same as on iPhone X. It’s on the same flex as the ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, and earpiece speaker.

Jeff Suovanen -

M12 Motion Co processor? It seems like Apple forgot about this chip this year.

iliketurtuls - Réponse

It is integrated inside of the A12 SoC.

Liam Powell -

Want to know if the iPhone X battery can be used on XS?

Is they the battery interface is universal?

In fact, the 6S and 7 batteries are universal, of course, 6SP and 7P are also like this.

lauwing - Réponse

No, otherwise XS would have come equipped with X battery.

Aitor -

Can someone please post what the BOM cost is or Bare materials cost. For both models of course we had it for them last year but no one seems to be talking about it hear or anywhere. So ya that info would be much appreciated


The Realist - Réponse

Charging coil is now made of copper for efficiency and shorter charging times:

Why didn’t iFixit include this?

Simon - Réponse

Hello friend, many times the guides of iFixit shows the most acecible and primordial of the team in the disarmament guides, without detracting from the contributions of the users which are very important for the iFixit community of repair, we appreciate your very important contribution Thank you very much for your feedback.

Miguel -

Thanks you all for your work.

I have just a comment : the stereo tracks seems to be reversed on Youtube videos with 2 girls on “iPhone XS Max Teardown LIVE with BEER!”

Tortella Raphael - Réponse

Thanks you all for your work.

I have just a comment : the stereo tracks seems to be reversed on Youtube videos with 2 girls on “iPhone XS Max Teardown LIVE with BEER!”

yhm2002 - Réponse

It was rumoured that the 512GB iPhones will have more RAM than the lower versions. Is this true?

Rok Trdina - Réponse

Nothing about the new wireless charging coil changes?

Eastpointvet - Réponse

Can iPhone Xs rear camera fit on the X? Assuming we also change the camera glass bump.?

Tushar Doultani - Réponse

Anyone able to confirm if displays can be swapped with any loss of functionality? IE Face ID breaking or loss of ALS?

Jeff Caauwe - Réponse

Have you guys given up answering questions? Usually you’re quick to respond! Does the FaceID/TrueDepth look to be the same as in the X? TechInsights is claiming that there are new components, but the pictures don’t necessarily justify that…

Eric Anderson - Réponse

@nostrathomas We didn’t tear down the individual Face ID components (nor did we on last year’s model), so we can only speculate. There certainly don’t look to have been any major changes. I would guess the increased speed is mainly thanks to the A12/neural engine rather than changes to the Face ID hardware itself.

Jeff Suovanen -

Hi you all. As i dont find any hint about this.

Step 7 Logic Board 1. Picture: What the hack happened Kondensators on the right site? Was it like this when you got it? As you clearly see there are huge soldering issues. Usually i exspect this failures when design is not optimized for SMD Oven. But i hope that 1. ppl on ifixit had to apply a lot of heat (up to 270°) or 2. this Iphone was not working before and therefore was taken for a teardown?

Would love to get some clarification on that. Thanks !

Jan Blatt - Réponse

Hi Jan! That bit of carnage was our fault, and not a manufacturing issue. We’re a small team trying to get a lot done in a very compressed timeframe, and sometimes we slip up! Nothing to worry about, just got clumsy separating the board layers. We have a better procedure in place so that shouldn’t happen next time. Thanks for keeping a sharp eye!

Jeff Suovanen -

What was the final Beer Time!?!

gabe retto - Réponse

Can you teardown XS and XS Max battery(pcb part only) too ? I really wonder how apple handles dual cell battery pack. As far as i know dual cell will have dual resistance profile so you cant handle it with single Fuel Gauge. According to XRay there seems 3 wlcsp chips. So maybe 2 piece fuel gauge and 1 controller to merge cell states (voltage , remaining capacity etc.) to single I2C or HDQ line. I really wonder this

Uğur KIRÇIL - Réponse

Curious about the size of the depth sensor & camera assembly. Slim enough to fit into a macbookpro screen as frontfacing?

If so, I wonder why they kept it out of the new airs.

Brett Wagner - Réponse

Will a iPhone 8 motherboard work with a iPhone XS Max if hook camera up too

venskiquay30 - Réponse

Anyone know where the Apple Pay Chipset is located at?

Mark Crystal - Réponse

Is there anyway I can convert my iPhone XS to an iPhone XS Max. I am thinking about purchasing a cloud locked iPhone XS Max if I’m able to input the necessary XS hardware into the XS Max. What hardware would I need to take out of my XS if this does work? Can’t find information on this anywhere.

Viet Le - Réponse

Can you repair the front screen and the back glass?

welshdude_140 - Réponse

Ok what are the screw driver sizes needed for the XR cause the ones I bought that came with the screen from you guys is the wrong one an I can not for the life if me find what size is actually needed please help

p_picinotti - Réponse

Hello! If you think you got the wrong screwdriver size from us, please contact our customer support and we will get it sorted for you! To work on the XR, you will need a Pentalobe P2, Tri-point Y000, and Phillips #000. You can find all of our iPhone XR guides here.

Arthur Shi -

Any chance someone can tell me whether the X and XS nfc antenna with the flex cable are interchangeable? The connector looks identical to me on both so hoping they are the same.


Ron - Réponse

Were you guys able to figure out the vibration frequency (Hz) of the taptic engine? Looking for this info everywhere but I can’t find it.

Jasmine Tharagan - Réponse

If xs turn into iphone xs max, will it work?

Jyvalleycsa Joling - Réponse

Where is the proper teardown instructions? The details of bolts and how to remove each modules? Why has it become so simplistic and entertainment-centric, what it once used to be a great resource for repairs? Am I the only one feeling that the teardowns have become dumbed down?

These are not “steps” as they do not contain any valid instructions, it’s misleading. Should be named “tour of iPhone components” instead.

Regesys - Réponse

Hi! You're right—iFixit teardowns are educational first-looks into a device, so in a way it is a "tour of the iPhone components". For actual details on how to remove and replace components, you should look to our guides instead!

Arthur Shi -

my flashlight and camera stop working, what could be the problem? I have replaced the camera multple times but i dont think thats the problem

Muinde Brian - Réponse

what is the material of the tray and volume buttons?

Renato de Alencastro Pelles - Réponse

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