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Common PS4 Controller Problems
Diagnose and fix the most common problems plaguing your PS4 controller with these step-by-step DIY troubleshooting guides.
2 Solutions | DualShock 4 Buttons Sticking |
The controller buttons are stuck in the pressed position. Potential causes include dirt and debris in the button crevices or faulty buttons. View all causes and solutions. | |
6 Solutions | DualShock 4 Not Vibrating |
The controller does not vibrate. Potential causes include a faulty battery, faulty motors, the vibration feature is turned off, a general controller malfunction, or a poor wireless connection between the PS4 and controller. View all causes and solutions. | |
3 Solutions | DualShock 4 Won't Turn On |
The controller won't power on. Potential causes include a discharged battery, a faulty charger, a faulty battery, or a general controller malfunction. View all causes and solutions. | |
3 Solutions | DualShock 4 Touchpad Not Working |
The touchpad doesn't respond. Potential causes include a faulty touchpad, incompatible game, out of date software, or a general firmware glitch. View all causes and solutions. | |
2 Solutions | DualShock 4 Analog Sticks Locked in Place |
The analog sticks get stuck when pressed down and won’t come back up. Potential causes include dirt and debris in the joystick crevices or a broken or bent joystick. View all causes and solutions. | |
4 Solutions | DualShock 4 Not Charging |
The controller doesn't charge and the light on the front of the controller doesn’t turn on. Potential causes include a general firmware malfunction, a faulty battery, a defective charging cable, or a defective controller charging port. View all causes and solutions. | |
2 Solutions | DualShock 4 Won't Connect to Console |
The controller is on and working, but cannot connect to the console. Potential causes include a general firmware malfunction or a WiFi router limiting connectivity. View all causes and solutions. | |
2 Solutions | DualShock 4 No Sound |
The controller does not emit any audio from its speaker system. Potential causes include the controller's volume not being turned up, or a general firmware glitch. View all causes and solutions. |
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158 commentaires
My command buttons on my DualShock4 do not respond, even after a manual reset. The controller can still turn on the PS4 though. Do I just need to replace the controller entirely, as I do not want to waste time to try and fix it myself.
mantronik - Réponse
I learned that if your buttons are sticky, brush them with a slightly wet toothbrush. Let it sit for a couple of seconds then dry them.
John - Réponse
A In Depth Guide to fixing DS4 Connection Issues.
1. Put your DS4 in pairing mode by holding PS button and share simultaneously. The light bar should begin to flash white.
2. Connect the DS4 to the device via Bluetooth on any of the following devices. ( PC, Android, PS3 )
3. Disconnect the DS4 from the paired Bluetooth device. Make sure you disconnect directly from the bluetooth device. Once disconnected locate a pin or a small narrow object and push into the reset hole on the rear of the DS4. Hold in place for 10 seconds.
4. Connect the USB cable to the DS4 and proceed to power on the PS4. Once the system has loaded to the login screen it will ask you to press the PlayStation Button. This will iniate pairing between the DS4 and PS4. The DS4 should now be fully operable.
Make sure to follow steps exactly for best results.
4wrd4evr - Réponse
My ps4 controller makes à strange doubleclicking sound when i'm touching
The touchpad iT sounds like THE touchpad is à littlebit loose do you know how you change that
Ps sorry for THE bad english
Benjamin -
when i open my ps4 the controller starts to flash (like it tries to connect with the ps4) but the it turns orange and does not connect eventually.
Elisavet Parra - Réponse
Hi I just had same problem with my controller it's keeps disconnecting , I really would love to know what did you do to your controller , I mean did you find any solution to that problem. if ya did plz reply me
kiran kumar v -
i use ds4windows for play games with dualshock4 in windows 10 and its worked good but...
recently i cant connect via bluetooth to my laptop
i changed windows 10 and reinstall bluetoth driver even update them
but my dualshock not work
its meant its hardly pair and after few seconds disconnected
in ds4windows blinked red cause latency is over 10 ms
and in input mapper show latency fluctuate 10ms to 60 ms and then disconnected.
i rest my dualshock4 and i think do 4 step as u say.
i dont know what to do
its work just with usb cable now.
pouria - Réponse
Have you solved this yet? I have the same issues and not sure how to fix it
Jono Mac -
My PS4 controller. The touch pad keeps making my guy on the screen go in circles. How can I fix this
Juan - Réponse
My R2 button triggers the left analog stick. lots of times, when I press R2, my character moves to the left
charlesnaku06 - Réponse
I'm having the same exact issue
ninjahedgehog5 -
Perhaps you need to configure, or turn off your customized button commands.
Jimmy Koco -
Perhaps you need to change, or turn off your custom control settings.
Jimmy Koco -
my dualshock 4's R2 is like pressed but not like physically, wait like when i'm playing i noticed like it's pressed but not from outside pad when you look at pad it seems normal but when i'm playing game with it, it's either pressed or not working
mohammedmanzo - Réponse
this happens to me too but with my L1 button! can some one please help us
warrenbillard -
I'm having the same issue with my r2 anyone have a solution other than paying more money for a new one
SKM Gaming -
The same thing has been happening to me also. With the L1 button. Whyyy?
Mononoke -
my DS4 is not switching on,if I try to charge its heating.
What would be the problem.???
soxcee - Réponse
I know this is probably not that good of an answer but I would just get a new one.
Mike Saso -
That sounds like a battery problem
rbranham96 -
In battlefront my controller will not respond to anything I do. How do I fix that
Mike Saso - Réponse
Once I press L2 in driving mode in 'F1 2015 or 'Watch Dogs' the car slows down and goes into reverse. I have Restored default settings and initialized the console and reset the controller. Still not fixed!! Where next?
Dick - Réponse
R2 is drive not L2
lucassanders3 -
My dualshock4 pairs with my sony android tv but the buttons never responds like up down left right circle and x
bugzther - Réponse
Been playing BO3, after a respawn or reloading, gun will keep firing. Also after respawning I'll sometimes be frozen in place, can look around but can't move, switch weapons, reload etc. Any ideas? Going to try to reset controller see if that helps.
robmoore020 - Réponse
Tried reset, still not right
robmoore020 -
Get a faster Internet connection with less ping
Thomas Lynch -
Mine does the same... Did it get fixed?
Sean Jones -
My ps4 controller is not charging no matter how many different chargers I use
richard carrillo - Réponse
I put my PS4 controller on the charger yesterday and when I did, the light turned red for about 1-2 seconds then turned yellow as though it was trying to charge. Once the charging light started to disappear, the red light illuminates before going back to yellow. This process continues over and over. When I hit reset on the controller, the light illuminates red for 2-3 seconds then turns off. The PS4 button does nothing when depressed and the controller won't reset. The controller won't do anything whether I'm connected via the USB or not. I can find nothing on this specific occurrence online. Is this the same as the XBox's red ring of death where the unit is toast?
Paul Ryan - Réponse
Pual, the control has an issue with the connection were you plug it in to charge. Hence the color changing and going blank. You will either need to replace the charging plug, the connector inside the controller for charging, or replace the controller completely. I had this problem myself and found that it was the connection within my controller. Now I use that one for spare parts.
Bill Johnson -
My L1 button on my DS4 acts as though it's jammed and I have done the online things where you take off the button and clean the inside and i did it to my R1 button as well. And the insides ae squeaky clean but it still acts like its jammed. I would even like the rubber from the sensor on the button and it would still act up. I blew in side to get any dust that my be pressing down on it and also I've assured that the rubber pad is in place but none of it helps. Does anyone know what to do, cause I really don't want to buy a new controller.
warrenbillard - Réponse
I'm experiencing the same problem but with no help I'm afraid:(( I have no idea as to what happened to me or you .
Cameron Roberts -
I'm having troubles with my dualshock4. It works perfectly fine when I'm on the home page but when I go to play a game or watch Netflix nothing works at all. The lights still on and the only way I can get out of the game/app I have to press the PlayStation button on the controller. Can anyone help?
tinasteinhardt - Réponse
Did you fix this?
Am9721 -
I have the exact same issue. Controller works perfectly when I'm at the home screen. When I start a game or open an app like Netflix, all the buttons are unresponsive except for the circle "home" button between the analog sticks. If you turn the controller Off then On while in game or in an app, it'll fix it temporarily. It's as though R2 is stuck in rapid-fire or something, even though the trigger feels fine. I'm going to try re-syncing and resetting the controller. Rebooting the console does nothing. It's bizarre, and I'm still searching for an answer.
newton.kj -
I'm having the same issue with my r2 not being constantly active does anyone know what the issue is?
SKM Gaming -
Hello there, I have a problem in my ps4 controller when I click ps & share buttons at the same time to activate Bluetooth pairing, it's not working ever, what is solution ? :(
shirikhan358 - Réponse
Hold them down for multiple seconds
Thomas Lynch -
I had the same problem. I bought a 2nd hand ds4 from which I knew it didn't work, but I wanted to try it myself. When I plugged in with the USB-cable it only gave a blue light and when i pressed the PS-Button it started blinking but nothing happened.
I tried everything, resetting, pairing bluetooth and even disembled the whole thing and tried the battery from my ps3 controller. So I thought the bluetooth in the controller might be broken. But when I tried to make connection with my laptop and pressed the Share+PSbutton, it paired!
So I gave it another try on the console. This time I used my first controller which had no problem with the connection. So I went to Settings, Devices and then Bluetooth devices. Then I pressed the Share+PSbutton and it worked!!!
Now I got a cheap reservecontroller :D
I hope it works for you 2!
Jerry -
When i play gta online and fly a plane or drive a vehicle im able to turn in any direction (especially with a motorcycle) by just turning the controller. its cool however very annoying. I cant control the vehicle because it moves to one side when and i struggle using the analog sticks. It only happens on gta
Legendary Pimp0 - Réponse
In the settings on gta you can turn it off its the sixaxis controls for vehicles
Thomas Lynch -
My X, circle, square and triangle buttons only work sometimes.
The X button almost never works and the other cut in and out.
Should i bother taking it apart and just refitting everything, or just buy a new controller all together.
If anyone has any solutions they'll be much appreciated.
Jack Bird - Réponse
My controller makes games do weird things even if I'm not touching the pad it will change directions in game or make me do things I'm not telling it to do? I od t know if it's my console or all the pads becaus ei happens with all 3 controllers
Thomas Lynch - Réponse
Mine has been doing the same thing, I just stopped playing to try to find a solution...again. This happened months ago, but seemed to stop when I tried to link another controller to my PS4. It wouldn't connect for some reason, but my controller worked just fine until tonight. Playing BF4 and my guy is not going where I'm moving him, there seems to be a delay of some sort. This all started after I used my phone charger to charge my controller. Might have fried it...
Dave -
Same exact problem! Playing Destiny2 and when i go to turn my character, he spins uncontrollably. VERY FRUSTRATING
Laura Moore -
My controller is only a couple month's old and recently i have had an issue different from the most. My controllers left analog stick moves left only when i am holding the L2 down. I have tried resetting it and disassembling it mutipul times and cleaning the analog sticks which has not helped. If anyones got any ideas of the cause please let me know or email me at
rbranham96 - Réponse
In gta 5 and online i am having trouble turning right in any vehicle. It affects other games but not as bas as it affects gta5 & online. What can i do?
ladiesknight81 - Réponse
Apparently it's something to do with the touch pad , I'm not too sure exactly and I don't know if that helped at all but from doing a bit of research if you disable it within your game that might work :)
Cameron Roberts -
Hi guyz, my Ps4 controller was working fine, then finally triangle and O button working.. Couldn't find the issue, replacing the PCB will do or not. What spare should be replaced in order to work fine...
Yogu Raj - Réponse
Hey Guys my controller is working fine and there is absolutely no problem with the buttons or touchpad but the light bar isn't working it charges fine. I wish to note that I tried the manual reset, closing and opening the controller, changing the light options and turning off the console.
Nader Ahmed - Réponse
I have the same problem as you, did you ever find a solution?
Misteline Morgendorffer -
I found out the source of the problem but no solutions so far, it was caused because I charged my controller with other USB power cables than the one included with the PS4 and their current was too high for the controller which caused the lamp to almost burn out and the controller to sometimes heat up.
Nader Ahmed -
So I have had this problem for a while and I can't fins the answer anywhere. With my dual shock 4 controller original package with my ps4 ( about 2 years ago) there is no physical damage to the controller or any buttons yet when playing a game the L1 is constantly being 'pressed' even though no physical force is being exerted onto it . I have tried physical resetting the controller and taken the L1 button off to find nothing wrong inside. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Cameron Roberts - Réponse
My home button n the control doesn't work and I tried reseting it but still nothing. I dropped it and this happened.
Alexis Silva - Réponse
Did you fine a fix to this problem. I have the same issue.
santos -
My controller isn't charging properly, after a while when it's been charging it will over heat and it will turn it's self off yet when it's plugged in the wireless controller acts as a wired one and movement is very delayed
Brandon borrill - Réponse
My controller is not turning on. I tried to reset it but that didn't work. It seems to charge fine. I don't know what is wrong . Can you help me?
Barry JJ - Réponse
Actually scratch that. It's rather easy. Just reconnect it as a bluetooth device to your ps4.
Barry JJ -
That won't work for me
yacine marouf -
hi can someone help me? i have a problem on my controller, my PS4 controller paired and can connect to console but every time i go to games i can't even use it.. if i use my other controller and then use this one for local multiplayer(versus mode) it can't use either. how can i resolve this issue? I'm planning to get new one cause i'm prostrated already please help me
kevoleomo - Réponse
I've been having this same problem now for six months. Gone through three controllers, numerous different methods of fixing it, nothing seems to help.
Dave -
So I have the darth vader ps4 controller and it got wet. I've brought the charging port and the battery and it still won't work. What can I do?
Jarimara Brown - Réponse
nothing put it in rice and see what happens but thats the long way to fix it other then that your $@$* out of luck
Zachary Atkinson -
When I started up my PS4 and went to play Furi, although I had pressed every button on my controller, nothing had worked, and my game wouldn't start past the menu screen (Press any button to start). Then, going to personal settings to change something, when the keyboard had popped up, after doing the same of pressing every button, I couldn't seem to capitalize the letters with the left trigger. Pressing the triangle button only lead to changing the keyboard, as if I were holding onto the left trigger... but I wasn't. Henceforth, my left trigger itself seems to be stuck, and I'm sure it's coming from the inside of my controller, since the trigger moves perfectly fine, and there's nothing wrong with the springs. Yet, I don't know how to fix it. Please, can you help me with this?
Megan Walters - Réponse
The part where my triggers are held have been chipped and I can't put the back on help pls
Tiarn - Réponse
I was playing the division and all of a sudden in the middle of a mission i lost all control of my character and on my controller then there was a white light on the controller then it turned off all together, and it was plugged into my ps4 when this happened now my controller will turn my ps4 on but only when its plugged in and nothing else as far as i get is the press the ps button i don't know what to do i tried resetting it with button on the back but all it does is flash yellow once and to turn the system on it has the be plugged in and all it does is flash white once or twice then it will stay a steady white light even when the system is off the light will stay on for at least 5 minutes after. I don't know what to do the to the controller is only like 4 months old and i barley play. Like what the absolute &&^& sony.
Zachary Atkinson - Réponse
So I have being a console user more exactly a play station console user and decided to try a gaming pc to see if it was much better, and to be honest it is, Im in love with my new pc. So I used the DS4 controller on my pc and realized I needed the ds4win program to emulate an xbox controller. The program works very well but the thing is I want to sell my ps4 now but I cant get the DS4 controller to sync with the ps4 anymore. I need the money and a controller here its expensive. The controller only works now as soon as I start the Ds4win program, the Led light turns blue and I can use it, while if I plug it to the ps4 the Led will turn orange like for two seconds and wont sync just die. I really need your help so it can work back on my ps4 and I can sell it. I have tried everythin, the reset factory button behind L2, another USB cable, share+ps button and it wont just sync. It turns an Orange light on the Led as soon as I connect it via USB with the Ps4 and then dies. Please help
Carlos - Réponse
My controller will work on the blue home screen, but when you try to use it anything, Netflix, Amazon Prime a game, it doesn't respond. The only thing that works is the PS button which takes it back to the blue home screen where it works fine again. Anyone else have this problem?
kingsman52 - Réponse
Did you find any answer for this problem i have the same issue
Patrick Forrest -
Did you find a result for this having the same problem
eperry90 -
Sounds like your PS button has a bad conductivity pad. Hook it up to a computer and check to see if any of the buttons show as being compressed
eric_feyen -
I just recently bought a sony x850d tv (it comes with playstation now in the tv and two dualshock 4) when i go to pair the controllers they pair just find but then the only thing that works is the pad ( not the joysticks, nothing) they don't even work when I go into the PSN app. I have been at this for days and tried everything. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS!! IM GETTING TO FRUSTRATED!
Jenna Bitton - Réponse
Av just bought a new controller a left mine at home and this won't connect with the cable an won't start when a press the ps button on the controller. Av tried the reset button an just glows yellow also av tried the share an ps button and nothing just stays on the welcome back to play station screen can anyone help
Leanne - Réponse
I have the same problem with this
yacine marouf -
Did you find the problem for this issue? If so can you reply to this and say the solution to it?
yacine marouf -
I have 2 controllers and on one the circle button isn't working and on the other the LT isn't working I think it has something to do with the ribbon cable kinda thingy that runs from all your buttons on the controller but anyone got any idea on how to fix it
KaZa - Réponse
I threw my controller, probably dead for good. What would you do of it just doesn't turn on or show a response at all? Most lokely dead but I would like to know if there are any solutions..
Ethan Bisset - Réponse
likely* dead
Ethan Bisset - Réponse
My DS4 controller's PS button isn't working it picks up a signal every so often but for the most part it doesn't do anything as your all aware your unable to play if you suffer with this problem and this is aggravating as I have only recently switched my new xbox one for a PS4 to find out I'm unable to play it if anyone could help that would be great as I haven't been able to find anyone else who's suffering with the same problem.
kyle bradbury - Réponse
So I join my friends share play and after a while I lag out of the party and the share play and my controller dies after I lag out and it takes more than 3 hours for them to work again! Does anybody have an idea that can help me?
zanderburritt256 - Réponse
Hello my ds4 won't work no matter what it charges but no matter what I try the ds4 simply WONT connect(I tried resetting,the share and ps button pairing thing, the turn off the ps4 and turn it back on) is it possible it's the ps button itself? It hasn't been working for a few months but wasn't really worried until now since I wasn't really playong and had another remote. Is there anything I could do? Or can I send it to Sony or something(I had the ps4 for more than 2 years ). I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
yacine marouf - Réponse
I'm having a problem with my ds4 last night I was playing video games and my controller looked to work good but when I press the PS button to turn off my console it did not work but all the others buttons worked fine. What I did was turn off my console with my spare controller, and today when I tried to turn on my controller it simply did not work. It seems to charge good but it when I try to turn on it won't flash or nothing like that, it won't do anything, when I plug it to my ps4 it only flashes orange but the orange light start flashing really slow. Please if you having same problem can you please help me solve it..
Manuel Zuniga - Réponse
Sounds like a fault with the contacts inside the controller. They are on a film sheet. I had a similar problem with one of my controllers.. If any of the buttons stop working, that is the most likely cause. They are fairly easy to replace and cheap (about £2 on ebay) swap that out and your controller should work fine
Jason Dale -
My ds4 turn off while im playing how can i fix that problem
Nathan Godinez - Réponse
My controller i thought was stickyspilled in itdue to my buttons not responding when i pressed them and my analogue stick seemed to be stuck but further investigation of my controller revealed nothing sticky at all and my analogue moves around fone but i seem to be stuck at go on my game and nothing i do stops my character from moving or helps my bittons work any ideas of what it might be?.
Jeffrey May - Réponse
OK I did every thing and the charger was at fault got a new charger still won't charge it'll sit there for 3-4 hours and not charge
TyrantrumGaming HD - Réponse
i use my ps4 controller for my ps3 and it wont respond when i press O or X it just does whatever it wants to do and i have the charger connected to the ps3 so i know it will respond but now all of a sudden its not working plz respond and the joysticks dont work either
Unknown 101 - Réponse
I have a problem with my controller. It won't sync up to my own ps4 but it will with other ps4 s. When I plug the controller into a working USB it shuts off my entire consol and freezes it. I tried resetting it but it still won't work can someone please help me with this problem
Antonio Staehle - Réponse
Question i can charge my Controller but it just stops charging after awhile do you know whats the problem ?
Kent Cruz - Réponse
Ok so before today I had 2 working controllers. Now neither of them will charge and I have found and plugged in every micro usb in the house to try to charge these on multiple different chargers, and none of themy worked. Now, neither one of them will charge or even flicker a light... I'm really confused because they somehow both went out at the same time and I have never had a big issue charging them... Please help!!!
Jacob - Réponse
HELP MY L1 WONT WORK! I am worried I have to beg my parents to get me a new controller, since they bought me a Manager Racing Style chair and I know they will be mad, how do I fix this? I think what could of caused it was I accidentally dropped the controller and the l1 had a big impact. Please help me out! I'm a young going to teen! Help please
Itz0wl - Réponse
Sounds like when you dropped it you knocked off the silicone conductivity pad alignment with the L1 button. Pull the controller apart, might just be jammed up.
eric_feyen -
You guys totally missed poor acceleration due to the bar on the back of the L2 & R2 triggers cutting into the silicone behind the triggers.
Steve Ebener - Réponse
Easy fix to that, fill the cup with silicone, IMO it makes the R2/L2 more responsive
eric_feyen -
I've been ripping these DS4 controllers apart since the release date, I enjoy modding controllers, and have had good luck rebuilding and selling them online. I have ran into a wall on my latest mod. The controller constantly thinks L2, and R2 are compressed. I've cleaned the silicon conductivity pads, cleaned the conductive film, new button tray, new conductivity pads. What am I missing?
eric_feyen - Réponse
My controllers have started turning off randomly in the past couple of days, and I've tried resetting them, but that does nothing. They both have a good charge, so that's not it, but they turn off, and when I try to turn them back on, they just blink for a few seconds and stop.
The only way I can get them to work again is to unplug the system and plug it back in, but I don't want to keep doing that in case that causes my files to become corrupted. How can I fix this?
PootisMcgee - Réponse
Hi when I push forward on the left stick it turns left some times slow sometimes fast as well as when I push Rd in it dose the same don't no y
Danny - Réponse
My controller seemed to work just fine, but when it ran out of battery the other day, the ps button stopped working. I tried the reset button and got nothing out of it. When i put it to charge the light goes yellow and does what its supposed to so im pretty sure it works. I hooked it up to my pc and it works just fine ( i dont remember if the PS button worked on PC but im sure i did ). Is there any solution to this problem other than buying a new Ds4?
Albert Einstein - Réponse
My where button is broken after I lightly tapped it on my bed and it's wil not work in game but I can click it with my finger but it just doesn't work. Can someone tell me what's going on here
elijahdeslauriers - Réponse
hey so my d-pad up right left dont work
down works fine
i opened it cleaned everything the best i could
do you have anything to advise me?
sipmarch7 - Réponse
I recently played my game before and i had gone out to put my console in another room, then i went out and left it unplugged. So when I got home and plugged it in and turned it back on, it gave me the notification that I unplugged it incorrectly, and I tried to press the "okay" button but my DS4 wouldn't sync to it and I cant get passed that screen since my controller womt sync. Any help?
Kristyna Dye - Réponse
I had to exchange the left analog 3d stick as it was not working anymore. I opened the controller, carefully removed the battery and the RFID cables. I desoldered the analog stick and put the new one in and soldered it back in place. Now after I reassembled everything the controller is not turning on again. (light bar does not ract) - I check the battery and it is fully charged. When I put the cable in the controller and press the PS button, it turns on but as soon as I remove the cable, it turns right off again. I thought I did something wrong while soldering the new stick but everything looks fine. I also tried the reset button but without success :( Can anybody help?
Christian Felix - Réponse
My controller is charging but when i'm pressing the Ps button to turn it on nothing is happening. I tried to reset it but the ps button won't respond. Pls can anybody help?
Jean gemayel - Réponse
Why won't my controller stay on when unplugged, from 30% to 100% charged, it decides to turn off meaning I have to press the ps button consistantly while playing. It affects my in game experience and annoys the crap outta me
Peter davis - Réponse
Every time I click on a game for Ex: I click on call of duty infinite warfare I press the icon it goes into the game but when I press the button like it tells me too it doesn't work at all HELP!
Keyiondre Williams - Réponse
My controller lights up once to tell me it's connected to charging cable then does nothing I've replaced charging port and ribbon and battery but still having problems with getting any life out of controller and ideas would be appreciated thanks
Paul taylor - Réponse
Playing Destiny 2, and whenever i try to turn my character slightly, he spins around uncontrolled. Also when aiming weapon or even looking right or left it's like the controller overcorrects and turns way too much! Weird thing is this happens only occasionally and it affects BOTH controllers when it does happen! (Also used to happen every so often when playing a different game.) Help?
Laura Moore - Réponse
My ps4 controller won't turn on it just flashes white and when I plug it in it charges. What do I do to fix this, I tried to reset it and it will not reset
Dawson Boychuk - Réponse
Hy I have a problem with my one controller it turned off ,bt when i try to turn it on ,its not working ,can you help mi fix this now please
I have used al the means stated up there ,its not working
d b - Réponse
Please am waiting 4 response coz am stranted yet its new
d b - Réponse
My PS4 controller isn’t connecting. Every time I turn it on there’s a solid white light. I’ve tried resetting it over 10x and nothing. Can someone please help me and give me a solution or a reason as to why this is happening? I was using it just fine like 10 mins ago
Robert - Réponse
i have used 3 different controllers, 2 different charger and 4 different outlets and each controller wont charge. it worked fine 2 weeks ago. how do i fix it?
landon walker - Réponse
controller won’t connect fix controller won’t charge fix
so i plugged in my controller ,yellow light on then fade to off, no charging, wouldn’t connect, tried a different ‘known good’ cable and same thing. i had to clean / scrape gently the usb connector on the ps. 4 copper pins i used a small wire to ‘scribble’ or scratch off any oxidized crap on all the 4 connector pins, the top of the bent area ( the likely contact point) also did the same on the other side, the 2 side ‘points and the middle point and ‘clip’ area way inside. scrape/scribble away the oxidized crud to get good contact, worked!!! check for powdery / non shiny surfaces and use a pin or small metal wire to scratch off oxidation for good electrical connection. good light calm gentle. i may have prayed a bit… can’t hurt… GL!
gil - Réponse
my controller is not responding whenever I go onto an app for example when I go onto YouTube it completely freezes and doesn't work. none of the buttons do work on the app so when I try to select a video it doesn't move however it works when I am in the main menu.
Hello, my issues diferent, cant find it s sollution. So after diseambly L2 button stopped working.
That button doesnt respond on naked rubber, R2 works, L2 DEAD.
I opened it not nicely, also broken down two R2’s on on 2 DS4’s.
Cant find sollution, afraid to broke something more. Please help!
Reseting and rubber change doest work at all…
Marcius Yo - Réponse
If charging causes the light bar to glow orange only once, but hitting the PS button does nothing, it’s likely you have a full charge but can’t get it to try to connect to the PS4 because of PS button failure. So avoid the PS4 for further troubleshooting, and try connecting the controller via USB to a PC/Mac. Using InputMapper (PC) or Enjoy2 (Mac) you should be able test all the buttons.
In my case, the PS button was dead, but everything else was fine. The fix should be to replace the conductive flex board inside (I haven’t received mine yet). They are available for under $10 including standard delivery via the usual hegemonic marketplace with a rainforest for a name. Search for “ps4 conductive” and you’ll find it.
Gavin Beatty - Réponse
When I play on a different ps4 the ds4 works, but now when I get back to my ps4 my ds4 charges but won’t sync.I try to press the reset button with a paper clip, but it still won’t’ll charge,but won’t sync up to my ps4.What should I do!!!???
cropsthegamer122 - Réponse
Same problem here
Ostin Lewis -
The reset button thing actually works! I threw my controller to the ground because of a stupid game and it turned into a potato!!! IT DIDNT CHARGE OR TURN ON AND I WAS READY TO GET MY BUTT BEAT!!!!!!! Honestly had no faith in the little button push but it saved my life (technically money but Thanks).
Darryl Maxwell - Réponse
Good morning, my Dualshock 4 PS4 controllers L1 and L2 buttons do not work at all well the L2 trigger has been broken off by accident and doing that the L1 button does not work at all Pier Pier. How do I fix that and if it's not fixable how can I pair my Android to my Playstation use other controller also I have a PS2 controller can I use that instead knowing that I will not be able to use the touchpad like on the PS4 controller
Daniel Hill - Réponse
I need help with my PS4 controller
Daniel Hill - Réponse
My controller flashes yellow as if it were charging, and under my devices list, even after I forget the controller, it reappears, but no matter how many times I reset it, it never turns on.
Ostin Lewis - Réponse
Im playing god of war and my character starts looking all over the place and i just bought a new controller. Is it my system or my controller?
leightyrobert - Réponse
The Light on the touchpad doesn't light up theres only one light and its the light on the front. there is no light on the touchpad. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
The Mineblox Man - Réponse
my controller will make sound in the settings menu but wont in game help
connor tube - Réponse
Dropped my controller from my bed on accident isnt even high off the ground but now some buttons wont respond correctly(pressing X works but wont register it if i hold the button) or work at all anyone know how to fix that? Or am i completely screwed and need a new one?
Sergio Rivera - Réponse
My ps4 controller doesn’t charge when using sony or other cables at atll! it doen’t show the yellow light when it normally charges. And obviously doesn’t turn on. It is a problem of the charging port? Also tried to reset with the back button but nothing happens. Thanks for any advice!
Pablo Salazar - Réponse
Right side of my controller buttons dont work
Bakari T - Réponse
My dualshock 4’s r2 trigger won't work the l2 one works fine I tried switching the silicone pads under the r2 trigger with the l2 one and the l2 still works fine while the r2 still won't any ideas?
Christopher Kyle Guerra - Réponse
My DS4 doesn't even turn on
Ridhwan Rafi - Réponse
My L1 button doesn't work in the main menu or in some games and in other games it seems like its always pressed but im not touching it and when i try to use apps in the ps4 i can't use the controller I have to turn it off and turn back on the controller and it works. And I also cant turn on the controer while charging.
doggamer awa - Réponse
Hi I'm having a issue with my gen one controller where it connect it to the PS4 PC or my phone, it works for a bit then shuts it self off when I turn it back on it connect then disconnects immediately after connecting and after a while the led doesn't show up when it's turned on, the I reset it (hold reset button for 10 sec) the it's the same procces over again
Jordon grey - Réponse
Does any one have problems with the x button not working. I know there's a lot of comments about not working on a game, but I can't even Get into a game to play. This is the second one I have had that the x button does not work.
Kelly P - Réponse
I have the same problem. The X button doesn't work. I tried cleaning even with spirit but it still didn't work. All other buttons work except the X button. Did u find a solution?
jesse omollo -
why is my ps4 controller x button not working i can’t login or do anything
naif - Réponse
try resetting the controller. If that doesn’t work then try cleaning it with rubbing alcohol. you will have to take the controller apart. if that doesn’t work then I couldn’t tell you other then replace the controller.
Bill Johnson -
I just a beer store in when I connect it to my Android to play Call of Duty mobile it's analog sticks do not work all the other buttons do does anybody know how to fix this?
chris cain - Réponse
I just bought a DS4 controller is what everything in the comments before
chris cain - Réponse
My L2 button is sticking. I have cleaned it and checked the spring as well and everything is fine. It bounces right back with no hesitation just like my R2 button does, but when I play Destiny 2 the L2 button still sticks. I also have to reset the controller to get the x button to work. I have a spare one that doesn’t charge the battery anymore that I can use for parts but either way it doesn’t make any sense.
Bill Johnson - Réponse
What about a dualshock 4 that does not flash orange when plugged to Ps4, does not blink when PS buttons is pressed nor rapidly flash when PS and share button pressed. However, when connected to PC, all buttons and both analog sticks work but still not lit up when connected to PC as well?
Steve Okereke - Réponse
I've recently come across a few issues. Well first off I had to get my ps4 cleaned out cuz it was bad. Did all the cleaning and got it back and when I play a game now my controller will randomly disconnect more than once while playing and I'm getting a controller drift now too. I dont wanna go out and buy a new controller unless I have to.
Joe Barber - Réponse
I changed the ribbon cable for the charging port and now my controller will only work if it is open. If it is closed it will not respond at all.
Bebe Summers - Réponse
So my controller turns on and everything. But the second I'm logged in, the light goes off but I still have control. I pick something to play, and that's when I lose control. I can't do ANYTHING with a game! But I can go back to menu and control that but cant play any games. Controller is full charge but I just can't do anything. This is the problem I've been having since yesterday. Anyone ever had this happen?
Yolanda - Réponse
I'm having an issue where everything on my controller is working except the share button. It won't respond at all and it still clicks. Any ideas?
sangojessie - Réponse
I can't find the PS4 controller no were
Cateka Daniels - Réponse
I buy a second ds4(blue) to use on my pc, I was using with my first ds4(black) the ds4windows and/or steam, both work fine. Also, I use the ds4(black) on ns-magic adapter for nintendo switch.
But this new one ds4(blue) presents various connective issues, he is hard to connect to bluetooth and when connects the light keeps white. Steam identify all the buttons, but make no vibration or identify touch and rotation system. Ds4windows keeps connecting and disconnecting every sec, and show it as a v1(gen1), but the label tell it’s a v2(gen2). On ns-magic pair but dosen’t connect, just keeps the white light on. On every device device connected by cable(even ps3) the PS button still turn on the bluetooth.
I can’t make tests on ps4, but it’s work fine on a friend ps4 once (blueetooth and cable).
I try every install and unistall driver possible on two diferrents PCs.
On he appears as a 054c:05c4(GEN1), but the label says it’s a CUH-ZCT2U(GEN 2)
Deilson M Bispo - Réponse
I spillt a bit of water on my controller a few weeks ago and my controller doesnt work with a few buttons and i dont want to open it up
BlaDe_Energy - Réponse
My controller is getting a lot of stick drift and input delay when I connect it.
05adrianjohn - Réponse
Tried to plug a headset into the 3.5mm jack on the controller today there is no positive retention and it doesn't work. Bought this for my son for Xmas any ideas?
Adam - Réponse
I did not use my ps4 for 5 months, then when i turn it on the O button is not working., i try cleaning it with alcohol from the outside and pressing it repeatedly but it doesn’t work., what should i do?
paulo_adams - Réponse
I have tried all the methods and my controller still won't connect. It flashes when I click the ps button but won't connect and times out.
Harry Scott - Réponse
Eneyone now how to fix a ps4controler xbutton doesn't work
Virginia Thomas - Réponse
Whenever my controller automatically turns off, the x button stops working.
Bruh monkey - Réponse
Just bought a new controller from Sony, and it acts like the joystick is being pushed left when it’s not being touched. Defective out of the box and the thieves at Sony are making us pay to ship it back for repair instead of taking responsibility for the DOA one and sending a new one.
Never buy direct from Sony, they’re scum.
David Fazzari - Réponse
My dualshock 4 controller is always turned on while pulsating yellow. I can connect it to the PS4 or PC, seems to work fine via BT or USB. However, I can't turn the controller off, it's always pulsating yellow until it drains the battery. I tried all the common reset methods I found and nothing worked. I replaced the battery and the charging hub and the issue persists. Charging the battery doesn't work, it never charges. Has anyone had a similiar issue where the controller would not turn off ever?
MTaye - Réponse
Tenho um DS4 , ele fica direto ligado com luz laranja , mesmo desligado da fonte de recarga
,só desliga após acabar a bateria
Jean cleback - Réponse
My DualShock 4 is unresponsive to all audio
Mik - Réponse