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An Introduction

The Joy-con are versatile, specialized controllers made for use with the Nintendo Switch family of consoles. they can be used independently or as a pair, wirelessly or when connected to the standard Nintendo Switch in handheld mode, and, like all consumer electronics, they are susceptible to a variety of potential problems that may occur through regular use.

This Wiki is a resource written to outline the various problems you may come across with your Joy-con controllers and to offer troubleshooting guidelines that clearly identify -and hopefully help resolve- the cause of each one. It's also a means of providing advice and tips that may result in greater longevity in the lifespan of the hardware or delay the need for inconvenient maintenance.

The following content is a work in progress.

Update (December 1st 2023): The Activate and Deactivate Airplane Mode solution in the Intermittent Wireless Connectivity section has been completed. The order of Solutions in the section has been adjusted to reflect the upcoming order of Troubleshooting steps.

Update (December 7st 2023): The Solution portion of the Intermittent Wireless Connectivity section has been completed. The Preventative Measures portion of the same section has also been completed. Small adjustments have been made for the Deep Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector solution in the Problem sections it appears. Minor proofreading has been done.

Update (December 15th 2023): The Solution portion of the Loss of Joy-Con Function section has been completed.

Update (April 1st 2024): Slight adjustments for the Surface Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector solution of the Handheld Mode Connectivity Issues and Loss of Joy-Con Function sections.


Control Stick Drift


A more commonly recognized problem for Joy-Con owners is control stick drift. This phenomenon is an eventuality with potentiometer-based analog sticks and results in symptoms such as ghost inputs, jittering, limited range in certain directions, and slow returns to the neutral position. While there are multiple causes for stick drift, there are also a variety of solutions that will allow for the restoration of normal function to your controller.


As an initial step, make sure that your Switch console has the latest system update and that the Joy-Con have the latest controller firmware. This will ensure that any potential software-based adjustments that may have been made to mitigate drift are in effect.

Ensure that drift does actually occur, whether intermittently or consistently. Some cases of drift are actually other issues that only seem like drift. In order to determine the true problem, troubleshooting begins by elimination of these possibilities, some of which are highlighted below.

Red Herrings

  • If symptoms of drift occur only in one game as opposed to becoming evident in your general play and menu navigation experience, consider checking your settings for that particular software. Some games have configurations that may imply drift if active without the user's awareness. Examples include motion steering and driving assist in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: the first feature may result in conflicting movement due to controller orientation, and the latter -which is on by default- will prevent players from veering off the track. If no such options exist, but control stick drift is still only evident in a single game, ensure that the game is up to date.
  • In some cases, players may experience momentary hangs where a directional input is sustained and any other is ignored before things return to normal. To evaluate this symptom of drift for handheld mode, check that your Joy-Con are registered as connected in handheld mode through the controller screen, which is accessible from the home menu. If the controller disconnects or shifts to wireless despite being connected, the problem may be a matter of connectivity as opposed to drift, which may be troubleshooted in the Handheld Mode Connectivity Issues section. Likewise, if the symptom occurs during wireless play and the controller disconnects from the console (also observable in the controllers screen), then the issue may be resolved by considering the solutions provided in the Intermittent Wireless Connectivity section.

Confirmed Control Stick Drift

  1. If drift does occur, check the calibration menu for your respective control stick. Recalibrate the control stick as detailed in the Calibration portion of the Solutions section and check if the symptoms are resolved through the menu and/or in gameplay. If the problem is resolved, stop here.
  2. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step -or if the problem returns and that solution no longer works- move on to externally cleaning out the potential build up of debris as detailed in the External Debris Displacement portion of the Solutions section. If the problem is resolved, stop here.
  3. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step, move on to cleaning the control stick module internally if you're capable of the necessary disassembly. This is detailed in the Internal Cleaning portion of the Solutions section. If the problem returns after taking this step, consider repeating the first two steps in order before attempting this one again.
  4. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step or if you are not capable of or comfortable with such a sensitive/particular bit of disassembly, then replace the control stick module completely. This is detailed in the Replacement of Control Stick Module portion of the Solutions section. This is a long-term solution when the hardware used is uncontaminated and undamaged. If drift occurs in the future for the case of a potentiometer-based replacement, please troubleshoot from the first step again after eliminating any red-herrings.



Calibration can often relieve minor issues and irregularities that come about with your Joy-Con's control sticks. If you've determined that said irregularity is not the result of a red-herring or another more specific issue, it's a good first option to pursue. The method for calibrating a Joy-Con's control stick is as follows:

  1. To access the calibration screen when navigating from the Home menu, select System Settings, scroll to the Controller and Sensors section, and then select Calibrate Control Sticks.
  2. Ensure that the relevant controller is connected and tilt its control stick for a few moments to access the calibration screen. For Switch consoles with firmware older than 13.0.0, press the stick inward (L3/R3) instead to access the calibration screen.
  3. Check your stick response. This can be done by confirming whether or not your stick's neutral position is as it should be and evaluating oddities in the response of the control stick when moved. These oddities can include jittering, slight or inconsistent input detection in certain directions, a slow return to center when released, etc.
  4. To calibrate or recalibrate your control stick, press the X Button and select Calibrate to begin the process. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the process.
  5. If you've made a mistake in the calibration process, return to the same screen where stick response is checked and press the Y button, which will allow you to return the control stick back to its default state, and then calibrate the stick again.
External Debris Displacement

Debris can build up within the control stick assembly over time, potentially resting on the conductive element of the circuit boards or stuck between the variable resistor legs and interfering with normal function, resulting in drift. While these foreign elements can not be properly eliminated through external methods, they can be displaced to allow the relevant components to regain normal function. This can be done by following the steps and reference provided in the iFixit guide linked here. Keep in mind that compressed air is a functional alternative to contact cleaner if available for the purposes of this method. Ensure that the surrounding area is free from dust to avoid exacerbating drift or making it more likely to reoccur in the future.

CAUTION: Please ensure that your Joy-Con stays off and no button inputs are made during this procedure to avoid causing a short while the controller is still saturated with fluid.

Internal Cleaning

A deep, internal cleaning of the control stick module is a possible solution for those with the necessary hand-skills and patience. The advantage posed by this solution is that debris can be completely removed from the assembly as opposed to simply being displaced, thus resolving control stick drift thoroughly in cases that aren't a result of wear or damage. Despite this, it is recommended that a new control stick is purchased and that this method be considered a complimentary measure preceding an expected replacement. This is because internal cleaning is a fairly sensitive task for most configurations of Joy-Con control stick and can result in exacerbation of drift symptoms or conventionally irreparable damage to the module due to even slight user error.

A video of the process for one configuration control stick module is provided below for reference. Credit to Kenneth Tanaka.

A step-by-step written supplement for this method is available as follows:

  1. Remove the Control Stick Module. This can be done through the steps found in this iFixit guide for the left Joy-Con and this guide for the right Joy-Con.
  2. Once the control stick module is removed, unseat the clips that may be found on up to two sides of the assembly- usually opposite to one another. This step doesn't require a great deal of force or effort and can be done using a fine spudger or flat-head screwdriver.
  3. After unseating the clips, the clamps must be deformed to gain access to the internal assembly. For certain variations of module, the nail-style clamps must be bent upward sufficiently to allow for displacement of the lower case. If there's a larger clamp on one side, this may need to be raised slightly and will require more force. These types of clamp can be seen in the image below as reference.
  4. For the alternative style of modules, bend the fins outward to disengage the fastening of the lower case to the module casing. This style of clamp can be seen in the image below as reference.
  5. Unseat the lower case of your module carefully over a clear, flat surface or workspace to ensure no component of the assembly is lost. For the lower case with nail-style clamps, wedge the side with smaller clamps down using the larger clamp as a fulcrum if relevant. Exercise care to avoid damaging the lower case in the process of removal: deformation of this component can result in uneven or broken contact between the elements that make up the variable resistive circuits, effectively preventing normal functionality.
  6. Isolate the flexible circuit board from the assembly and clean the black resistive pads very gently using a cotton swab saturated in contact cleaner. Any excess can be wiped away with the other end of the cotton swab to avoid potential residue. This should be done in a sanitary, dust-free environment in order to avoid exacerbation of drift by inadvertently introducing more debris to the board during reassembly or cleaning. A visual reference of the flexible circuit board is provided below with the resistive pads marked for convenience.
  7. Once the pads are clean, inspect the contactors on the sliders for any debris that may be stuck on them. The contactors are forked, potentially allowing for small particles to wedge between them and interfere with normal function. Clean the contactors if necessary in a dust-free environment. Be very gentle, as these components are extremely fragile. Visual reference for the sliders is provided below with the contactors marked for convenience.
  8. Congratulations. You have completed the cleaning process.
  9. Now that the relevant components have been properly cleaned, reassemble the control stick module. This is most conveniently done with the enclosure held upside-down. An image of all components of the assembly in the correct positions except for the spring and lower case is provided for reference below. In case of difficulty with alignment, the orientation of the lower case can be confirmed by way of the clamp grooves. The flexible circuit board's orientation can be determined by aligning the L3/R3 depression switch (button) with the pusher, both of which are marked in the aforementioned image.
  10. Seat the spring into the assembly on its larger diameter end. Attach the lower case and flexible circuit board carefully, ensuring that the sliders are not disturbed and the contactors are not bent. Once attached, set the clips and carefully bend the clamps back in place.
  11. Reinstall the control stick module in the reverse order of how it was removed. The guides provided in the first step are relevant here. If the cleaning process was successful and no damage was caused, normal function should be restored.
Replacement of Control Stick Module

Replacement of the Joy-Con's control stick module is the most definitive procedure for the elimination of control stick drift in the case of these controllers. Third party modules come in a few variations, including a recent Hall-Effects type replacement component that could potentially eliminate drift for the functional lifetime of the Joy-Con controller. For any of these options, the removal and installation process is effectively the same between them. The detailed, visually supplemented iFixit guides for replacement of the control stick in the left Joy-Con and the right Joy-Con can be found in the respective links.

Preventative Measures

Control stick drift that is the result of contamination can be avoided for prolonged periods of time by way of certain precautions. Among them, proper storage of the Joy-Con controller is a valuable and important consideration. Leaving your Joy-Con in areas full of dust/debris or that are prone to build up of that sort is an invitation for contamination-based stick drift. To avoid this, keep your Joy-Con in dust-free locations and away from the path of air conditioning or other active air circulation systems. If still available, consider storing your Joy-Con in the plastic sleeves they came in when not in use for long periods of time.

In the case of pursuing increased longevity when replacing a control stick, the recent development of Hall-Effect variant modules means that an option now exists to overcome the conventional drift seen in potentiometer-based models. This, however, is a notably more expensive choice in the early stages of its introduction to the market.

In the case of considering the standard potentiometer-based replacements, using one of the later variations with a design resembling those seen in the following image is likely ideal, as it allows for easier disassembly that's less destructive thanks to the more lenient fastening mechanism.

In fact, configurations of this type reasonably allow for more disassemblies than the other variants, as the alternative clamps seen in the other options are brittle and require far more force and deformation to displace from their groves and allow for removal of the lower case. This potential longevity means that the flexible PCBs of older modules can be cleaned and seated in the assembly if they are not excessively worn or otherwise damaged, giving it more utility as an option- especially for those who've made replacements in the past and still have their older components available.

Handheld Mode Connectivity Issues


When playing in handheld mode, users may sometimes find that one or more Joy-con seem to disconnect from the Switch console. Dropped inputs, the appearance of the controller selection screen, the inability to recharge, and even being engaged wirelessly despite the controller(s) being physically connected are some of the symptoms of this problem. With a little troubleshooting, the particular issue causing these behaviors can be isolated and resolved to get your controller(s) back to proper working order.


As an initial measure preceding any troubleshooting, ensure that the Nintendo Switch console and controllers are updated to leverage adjustments that may resolve your issue.

Attempt to determine if the problem occurs generally or if it only occurs with the use of specific software in order to rule out the possibility that the connectivity issues are the result of a particular application/game as opposed to being related to the console or controller(s) themselves.

After confirming that the problem is related to the general function of your hardware, a variety of steps can be taken to narrow down and determine what is responsible for the symptoms that are being experienced. Before this, consider the following methods to rule out simpler issues:

  1. Certain conditions can result in software-based causes to handheld mode connectivity issues. Reset your hardware as detailed in the Reset the Console and Joy-Con portion of the Solutions section and check if the symptoms are resolved in normal use. If the problem is resolved, stop here.
  2. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step, resync your Joy-Con controller to the console entirely as detailed in the Resync the Joy-Con portion of the Solutions section. If connectivity problems are resolved, stop here.

If the previous two methods are ineffective, software is unlikely to be the issue. Further evaluation can be done to narrow down the source of the problem to avoid unnecessary measures and effort. These methods involve another controller of the same side or another non-Lite Nintendo Switch console. If possible, use either of the two processes detailed below.

  • Check another Joy-Con with the Nintendo Switch console
    • Attach another Joy-Con of the relevant side to your Nintendo Switch console. If the alternative Joy-Con doesn't have the same symptoms, then the problem is likely associated with the original Joy-Con itself. If the alternative Joy-Con is similarly afflicted with the initial problem, then the issue is likely related to the Nintendo Switch console's rail connector.
  • Check the relevant Joy-Con with another Nintendo Switch console
    • This is an alternative of the prior measure. If the relevant Joy-Con exhibits the same issues on the other Nintendo Switch console, it's likely that the problem is related to the Joy-Con itself. If the Joy-Con functions normally, then the issue is likely related to the original Nintendo Switch console's rail connector.

If the means for the above troubleshooting measures are unavailable preceding your repair attempt, simply proceed with the following steps in order unless otherwise stated.

Controller-based Symptoms

  1. If intermittent or general connectivity issues occur in Handheld mode, cleaning the contacts of the controller may resolve the issue. Follow the Surface Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector portion of the Solutions section and check if the symptoms of connectivity loss are gone. If the problem is resolved, stop here.
  2. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step -or is only partially resolved- move on to a more thorough cleaning as detailed in the Deep Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector portion of the Solutions section. If the problem is resolved, stop here. If you were unable to isolate the problem to the Joy-Con specifically earlier on through another console or controller, skip the next step and move on to the Console-based Symptoms section.
  3. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step, a new rail may need to be installed in the Joy-Con. Follow the Joy-Con Rail Replacement portion of the Solutions section to carry out this process. If symptoms of the same problem arise in the future, repeat the troubleshooting process from the beginning. For those who were unable to isolate the problem to the Joy-Con specifically earlier on through another console or controller, consider the third and final step provided in the Console-based Symptoms section.

Console-based Symptoms

  1. If intermittent or general connectivity issues occur in Handheld mode, cleaning the contacts of the Nintendo Switch console may resolve the issue. Follow the Surface Cleaning of Console Rail Connector portion of the Solutions section and check if the symptoms of connectivity loss are gone. If the problem is resolved, stop here.
  2. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step -or is only partially resolved- move on to a more thorough cleaning as detailed in the Deep Cleaning of Console Rail Connector portion of the Solutions section. If the problem is resolved, stop here. If you were unable to isolate the problem to the Nintendo Switch console specifically earlier on through another console or controller, return to the Controller-based Symptoms section and consider the third step presented there.
  3. If the problem is not resolved by the prior step, a new rail/rail ribbon cable may need to be installed in the Nintendo Switch console. Follow the Console Rail Ribbon Cable Replacement portion of the Solutions section to carry out this process. If symptoms of the same problem arise in the future, repeat the troubleshooting process from the beginning.

If the problem is not resolved by the steps of the troubleshooting process, it may be the case that the symptoms are a result of a problem on the Nintendo Switch console's/Joy-Con's motherboard. Ensure that deep cleanings of both the console's and controller's connectors are done before pursuing alternative solutions.


Reset the Console and Joy-Con

One of the simplest and least intrusive possible solutions, a reset can help resolve intermittent or general handheld connectivity issues in some cases. The outline of this option is as follows:

  1. Ensure the the Nintendo Switch console and Joy-Con are updated. If your hardware is already up to date, restart your Nintendo Switch console by holding down the Power Button until the Power menu appears. Select Power Options followed by Restart. All non-Power Button inputs for these procedures can be performed with the touch screen if necessary.
  2. Detach the relevant Joy-Con controller(s) from the Nintendo Switch console.
  3. Reset the Joy-Con controller(s) by pressing the Sync button found on the rail once and then pressing any other button to turn the controller(s) back on.
  4. Reattach the controller(s) to your Nintendo Switch console.
  5. The procedure is complete. If your Joy-Con function normally, your problem has been resolved. If normal function has not been restored, detach and reattach the Joy-Con a few times. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Resync the Joy-Con

Unpairing and resyncing the Joy-Con can be an effective and simple solution for some handheld connectivity issues. The steps for this process are detailed as follows:

  1. Detach your Joy-Con from the Nintendo Switch console and use them wirelessly. From the Home menu, open System Settings, navigate to Controllers and Sensors, and select Disconnect Controllers. Hold X until the circle surrounding the on-screen indicator is fully cycled. Your Nintendo Switch console is now cleared of its pairing history.
  2. Sync your Joy-Con to the Nintendo Switch console. This can be done in two ways.
    • Simply slide your Joy-Con onto the Nintendo Switch console until properly seated. The Joy-Con should now be synced automatically.
    • While the Joy-Con are detached, navigate the Home menu using the touch screen. Select Controllers to access its menu and choose the Change Grip and Order option. When at the relevant screen, take the Joy-Con you wish to pair and hold down the Sync button on its rail for at least one second. The controller should sync to the console and allow for grip orientation selection using the shoulder buttons.
  3. The procedure is complete. After syncing your controller(s), confirm the functionality of the Joy-Con. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Surface Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector

For some cases of impeded connectivity, a build up of debris on the Joy-Con connector may be the cause of the problem. A surface cleaning of the contacts is the simplest of the hardware-based issues to resolve and is a good first step before pursuing more intrusive methods. The procedure requires a soft-to-medium bristled brush, a thin strip of soft, lint-free cloth, and an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution. Compressed air can be used as an optional measure prior to cleaning but is not a substitute, as it will only be effective for displacing loose particulates and other foreign matter. The steps for the cleaning process are outlined as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Joy-Con controller is off and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. (Optional) Following the instructions on the can, spray compressed air into the rail to clear out any loose debris from the Joy-Con connector.
  2. Gently clear our any dust, debris, or foreign particulates from the rail and connector with a brush. Avoid excess force and use a small portion of bristles at the base of the rail during this process to avoid damaging the connector.
  3. Saturate your soft, lint-free cloth with contact cleaner and use it to gently wipe the contacts.
  4. Use a dry portion of the cloth to wipe away any debris or residue after application of the cleaning solution. Wait for a few minutes to ensure moisture is completely gone.
  5. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved or the symptoms are only reduced, attempt step 2 again. Refer back to the Troubleshooting section if the issue persists.
Deep Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector

For some situations, a more thorough cleaning can eliminate intermittent or general handheld mode connectivity issues. A step beyond the surface cleaning detailed in the prior solution, deep cleaning requires the disassembly of the Joy-Con to provide direct and unobstructed access to the rail connector. This procedure requires a cotton/foam swab or lint-free cloth, electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution, and a tri-point Y00 screwdriver. A spudger or prying pick are also useful supplemental tools to consider. The steps for the cleaning process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Joy-Con controller is off and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Disassemble the Joy-Con controller's back shell by removing the 4 tri-wing screws fastening it to the assembly. This can be done by following this guide's first two steps. Be careful when detaching the back shell, which the rail is fastened to.
  2. Follow step seven of the aforementioned guide to separate the back shell from the rail to ensure complete access to the connector.
  3. Once access is established, saturate a swab or cloth in electrical contact cleaner and thoroughly clean the connector of foreign debris or build up. Avoid excessive force and sweep downward to prevent damage or unnecessary stress on the contacts.
  4. Dry and wipe away any residue with the clean, unused side of a cotton swab.
  5. Reassemble the Joy-Con controller. Snap the back shell back on to the assembly and reinstall the screws. Avoid excessive torquing.
  6. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Joy-Con Rail Replacement

The Joy-Con's rail can be a source of handheld mode connectivity problems. When isolated through troubleshooting, cleaning can be an effective solution for problems involving this component, but some cases may involve causes for malfunction other than debris or build up. In such circumstances, investigating the Joy-Con Rail for damage or disconnection from the motherboard is a good step.

Ensure that the relevant ribbon cable (lower) is correctly seated. If it is not properly attached, reseating the cable may solve the problem and prevent the need for a potential component replacement. If this is not the cause of failure or if damage is found, a replacement may be necessary. The process needed for these options can be found detailed with visual supplements here on the relevant iFixit guide.

Surface Cleaning of Console Rail Connector

Some intermittent or general Joy-con connectivity issues are the result of an unclean console rail connector. If the console is verified to be the common factor for the problem through troubleshooting, a surface cleaning of the connector is one of the first solutions to consider. The procedure requires a thin strip of soft, lint-free cloth and an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution. Compressed air is not recommended due to the potential of a debris deposit building within the confines of the surrounding rail, which may result in the problem rapidly being reintroduced. The steps for the cleaning process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is turned off completely and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Turn off the Nintendo Switch console by holding the power button for three seconds, opening Power Options, and then selecting Turn Off.
  2. Saturate your soft, lint-free cloth with contact cleaner and gently push it into the the rail where the connector is seated. Swivel or swipe carefully and avoid excessive force.
  3. Use a dry portion of the cloth and gently push it into the rail where the connector is seated. Lightly swivel or swipe to remove any debris or residue after application of the cleaning solution and to help dry the contacts. Wait for a few minutes to ensure moisture is completely gone.
  4. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved or the symptoms are only reduced, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Deep Cleaning of Console Rail Connector

When a surface cleaning of the connector for the relevant console rail is ineffective or only partially successful in resolving connectivity issues, a deep cleaning becomes a recommended and more thorough option. The procedure requires the appropriate screwdrivers, an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or other dedicated options, a hair pin or the like, and a cotton or foam swab. The steps for the process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is turned off completely and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Turn off the Nintendo Switch console by holding the power button for three seconds, opening Power Options, and then selecting Turn Off.
  2. Disassemble the back plate of the Nintendo Switch console for better access to the relevant components. To do this, follow steps 1 through 8 of this iFixit guide.
  3. Once the backplate is removed, follow step 17 of the same guide to detach the rail from the Nintendo Switch console. Be careful, as the ribbon cable will still be attached.
  4. With access now established, detach the connector from the rail. This can be done using a scarf pin to dislodge the retainer pin shown in the image below. Once the retainer pin is pushed out through one side, the connector will be free.
  5. With a cotton or foam swab saturated with electrical contact cleaner, thoroughly clean the connector of foreign debris or build up. Avoid excessive force and sweep downward to prevent damage or unnecessary stress on the contacts.
  6. If necessary, dry and wipe away any residue from the connector with the clean, unused side of a cotton or foam swab.
  7. Reassemble the Nintendo Switch console. Seat the connector into the rail and reinstall the retainer pin. Fasten the rail to the console and attach the backplate. Avoid excessive torquing when installing the screws.
  8. Test your Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Console Rail Ribbon Cable Replacement

Troubleshooting can reveal that Joy-Con connectivity issues in handheld mode are the result of a problem with the Nintendo Switch console itself. When this is the case and cleaning of the console rail's contacts yields no results, reseating the ribbon cable connector on the motherboard or replacing the ribbon cable entirely can resolve the problem. To pursue these options, follow the iFixit guide for replacing the left rail assembly or the right rail assembly depending on the relevant side.

For the case of replacement, if a ribbon cable can be found at a lower cost than an assembly, follow step 4 of the Deep Cleaning of Console Rail Connector solution during your process to separate the ribbon cable from the rail. Alternatively, if the quality of the replacement assembly's rail is not satisfactory, this method allows for the new rail's ribbon cable to be seated into the old rail if preferred.

Preventative Measures

For the more general causes of the symptoms experienced by those with Handheld mode connectivity issues, preventative measures are relatively simple.

Avoiding the storage or use of the Nintendo Switch console and Joy-Con in moisture and dust rich environments can prevent the build up of debris or corrosion that may lead to inconsistent connections. High humidity and locations with high air circulation can exacerbate such things, so adjust storage and use accordingly.

Careful disassembly of the console and controllers when pursuing maintenance will help prevent the damage or displacement of the sensitive ribbon cables, minimizing the potential for such problems to occur. Avoid dropping the controllers or console, as these can also unseat the ribbon cables or cause other issues as well.

Intermittent Wireless Connectivity


Some users may experience situations where their controller seems to drop inputs or lose functionality when used wirelessly with their Switch console in Docked or Tabletop modes of play. This is a relatively simple issue with few conventional causes and similarly straightforward solutions that will allow you to get back to playing without dealing with the frustration of connectivity loss in the future.



Reset the Console and Joy-Con

One of the simplest and least intrusive possible solutions, a reset can help resolve intermittent or general handheld connectivity issues in some cases. The outline of this option is as follows:

  1. Ensure the the Nintendo Switch console and Joy-Con are updated. If your hardware is already up to date, restart your Nintendo Switch console by holding down the Power Button until the Power menu appears. Select Power Options followed by Restart. All non-Power Button inputs for these procedures can be performed with the touch screen if necessary.
  2. Detach the relevant Joy-Con controller(s) from the Nintendo Switch console.
  3. Reset the Joy-Con controller(s) by pressing the Sync button found on the rail once and then pressing any other button to turn the controller(s) back on.
  4. Reattach the controller(s) to your Nintendo Switch console.
  5. The procedure is complete. If your Joy-Con function normally, your problem has been resolved. If normal function has not been restored, detach and reattach the Joy-Con a few times. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Activate and Deactivate Airplane Mode

For some cases of repeated wireless connectivity loss, activation and deactivation of Airplane Mode momentarily can resolve the issue. With the Joy-Con controllers wirelessly connected, complete the following steps:

  1. Hold down the HOME button on the right Joy-Con controller for seconds to access the Quick Settings screen.
  2. Select Airplane Mode.
  3. Using the touch screen, select Airplane Mode again from the Quick Settings screen to turn it off.
  4. If the Quick Settings screen is closed before Airplane Mode is turned off, enter the System Settings menu using the touch screen and select Airplane Mode from the options on the left. In the Airplane Mode menu, select Airplane Mode on the right side to disengage it, allowing your Joy-Con controllers and wireless devices to connect to the Nintendo Switch console.
  5. The procedure is complete. If your Joy-Con function normally, your problem has been resolved. If normal functionality has not been restored, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Resync the Joy-Con

Unpairing and resyncing the Joy-Con can be an effective and simple solution for some handheld connectivity issues. The steps for this process are detailed as follows:

  1. Detach your Joy-Con from the Nintendo Switch console and use them wirelessly. From the Home menu, open System Settings, navigate to Controllers and Sensors, and select Disconnect Controllers. Hold X until the circle surrounding the on-screen indicator is fully cycled. Your Nintendo Switch console is now cleared of its pairing history.
  2. Sync your Joy-Con to the Nintendo Switch console. This can be done in two ways.
    • Simply slide your Joy-Con onto the Nintendo Switch console until properly seated. The Joy-Con should now be synced automatically.
    • While the Joy-Con are detached, navigate the Home menu using the touch screen. Select Controllers to access its menu and choose the Change Grip and Order option. When at the relevant screen, take the Joy-Con you wish to pair and hold down the Sync button on its rail for at least one second. The controller should sync to the console and allow for grip orientation selection using the shoulder buttons.
  3. The procedure is complete. After syncing your controller(s), confirm the functionality of the Joy-Con. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Disconnect Bluetooth Audio Device

For cases where issues occur when a Bluetooth audio device is connected to the Nintendo Switch console, disconnecting the device may resolve the connectivity abnormalities. This can be done by applying the following steps:

  1. From the Home menu, select System Settings.
  2. On the left side of the screen, scroll down to Bluetooth Audio Devices.
  3. On the right side of the screen, select the name of the relevant Bluetooth device.
  4. Select Disconnect From This Device.
  5. The procedure is complete. Test your Joy-Con controller(s) through regular use. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Remove Sources of Interference

A potentially simple source of wireless connectivity irregularities involves interference. By eliminating such factors, the Joy-Con may no longer exhibit the associated symptoms. There are two means of applying this solution as detailed below:

  • Place the Nintendo Switch console away from sources of interference
    • Ensure that your Nintendo Switch console is placed in a space with minimal surrounding interference. Keep the console in a relatively open area if possible. Do not place it behind your television, against a cluster of electrical cables, near an aquarium, or within 3-4 feet of other wireless devices including access points.
  • Remove or disable sources of interference near your console or Joy-Con
    • If there are sources of interference near/between your console and Joy-Con, turn them off or move them at least 3-4 feet away. Examples include cellphones, laptops, tablets, wireless accessories and appliances, and active USB 3.0 compatible devices like hard drives, thumb drives, and LAN adapters. If displacing these sorts of things is insufficient to turn them off, turn them off while using the Nintendo Switch console and confirm whether or not the problem is resolved.

Preventative Measures

Preventing intermittent connectivity issues is relatively simple and only requires considerate placement of your console and other hardware thoughtfully. Otherwise, some cases of intermittent connectivity are results of small issues that only need a few moments to resolve, making the problem relatively manageable and quickly resolvable when necessary.

Loss of Joy-Con Function


Some Joy-Con users may find that their controller no longer responds to inputs outright. This can occur in one or multiple modes of play, and it may even be a case of complete loss of function in all circumstances. Like all other problems, troubleshooting can help isolate the core issue and allow for a relatively easy resolution depending on the root cause.



Reseat Wireless Antenna

A complete loss of response to inputs from the Right Joy-Con when used wirelessly may be a result of an unseated antenna connector. This is a particularly notable cause to investigate if the Joy-Con controller works in Handheld mode and the rail lights illuminate when inputs are made when disconnected from the Nintendo Switch console.

For this potential solution, follow this guide up to and including step 4. If it is unnecessary to remove the battery connector to access the Wireless Antenna's, consider it an optional measure. Once removed -or if it was already loose/disconnected- reseat the connector and reassemble the Joy-Con controller. Test the Joy-Con with the Nintendo Switch console it's synced to and confirm the functionality of the controller. If normal function is not restored, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.

NOTE: This solution is not applicable to the left Joy-Con controller which has its wireless antenna integrated to the board.

Joy-Con Battery Replacement

In the case of a Joy-Con controller that does not work wirelessly with the Nintendo Switch console, the lack of function may be symptomatic of a dead battery.

Replacement of the Joy-Con controller battery is a relatively simple process that is similar for both the left and right Joy-Con. A convenient guide for the process that includes video reference can be found here.

Surface Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector

For some cases of impeded connectivity, a build up of debris on the Joy-Con connector may be the cause of the problem. A surface cleaning of the contacts is the simplest of the hardware-based issues to resolve and is a good first step before pursuing more intrusive methods. a soft-to-medium bristled brush, a thin strip of soft, lint-free cloth, and an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution. Compressed air can be used as an optional measure prior to cleaning but is not a substitute, as it will only be effective for displacing loose particulates and other foreign matter. The steps for the cleaning process are outlined as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Joy-Con controller is off and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. (Optional) Following the instructions on the can, spray compressed air into the rail to clear out any loose debris from the Joy-Con connector.
  2. Gently clear our any dust, debris, or foreign particulates from the rail and connector with a brush. Avoid excess force and use a small portion of bristles at the base of the rail during this process to avoid damaging the connector.
  3. Saturate your soft, lint-free cloth with contact cleaner and use it to gently wipe the contacts.
  4. Use a dry portion of the cloth to wipe away any debris or residue after application of the cleaning solution. Wait for a few minutes to ensure moisture is completely gone.
  5. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved or the symptoms are only reduced, attempt step 2 again. Refer back to the Troubleshooting section if the issue persists.
Deep Cleaning of Joy-Con Connector

For some situations, a more thorough cleaning can eliminate intermittent or general connectivity issues. A step beyond the surface cleaning detailed in the prior solution, deep cleaning requires the disassembly of the Joy-Con to provide direct and unobstructed access to the rail connector. This procedure requires a cotton swab, electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution, and a tri-point Y00 screwdriver. A spudger or prying pick are also useful supplemental tools to consider. The steps for the cleaning process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Joy-Con controller is off and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Disassemble the Joy-Con controller's back shell by removing the 4 tri-wing screws fastening it to the assembly. This can be done by following this guide's first two steps. Be careful when detaching the back shell, which the rail is fastened to.
  2. Follow step seven of the aforementioned guide to separate the back shell from the rail to ensure complete access to the connector.
  3. Once access is established, saturate a cotton swab in electrical contact cleaner and thoroughly clean the connector of foreign debris or build up. Avoid excessive force and sweep downward to prevent damage or unnecessary stress on the contacts.
  4. Dry and wipe away any residue with the clean, unused side of a cotton swab.
  5. Reassemble the Joy-Con controller. Snap the back shell back on to the assembly and reinstall the screws. Avoid excessive torquing.
  6. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Joy-Con Rail Replacement

Issues with the Joy-Con's rail can be a cause of connectivity problems. Where cleaning fails, damage of the rail may be present. If the Ribbon Cable is damaged in a manner that causes the charging pin to no longer work, the Joy-Con battery may discharge, leaving the controller functionless when disconnected from the console. If it is determined through troubleshooting that the battery has no problems but the controller will not charge, replacement of the Joy-Con's rail may resolve the loss of function that results in a lack of wireless functionality.

The process for replacing the Joy-Con Ribbon cable can be found here on the relevant iFixit guide. Ensure that the relevant ribbon cable (lower) is correctly seated. If it is not properly attached, reseating the cable may solve the problem and prevent the need for a potential component replacement.

Surface Cleaning of Console Rail Connector

Some intermittent or general Joy-con connectivity issues are the result of an unclean console rail connector. If the console is verified to be the common factor for the problem through troubleshooting, a surface cleaning of the connector is one of the first solutions to consider. The procedure requires a thin strip of soft, lint-free cloth and an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or a dedicated solution. Compressed air is not recommended due to the potential of a debris deposit building within the confines of the surrounding rail, which may result in the problem rapidly being reintroduced. The steps for the cleaning process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is turned off completely and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Turn off the Nintendo Switch console by holding the power button for three seconds, opening Power Options, and then selecting Turn Off.
  2. Saturate your soft, lint-free cloth with contact cleaner and gently push it into the the rail where the connector is seated. Swivel or swipe carefully and avoid excessive force.
  3. Use a dry portion of the cloth and gently push it into the rail where the connector is seated. Lightly swivel or swipe to remove any debris or residue after application of the cleaning solution and to help dry the contacts. Wait for a few minutes to ensure moisture is completely gone.
  4. Test the Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved or the symptoms are only reduced, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Deep Cleaning of Console Rail Connector

When a surface cleaning of the connector for the relevant console rail is ineffective or only partially successful in resolving connectivity issues, a deep cleaning becomes a recommended and more thorough option. The procedure requires the appropriate screwdrivers, an electrical contact cleaner such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or other dedicated options, a hair pin or the like, and a cotton or foam swab. The steps for the process are detailed as follows:

CAUTION: Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is turned off completely and remains off during the cleaning process and until the contacts are dry to avoid causing damage.

  1. Turn off the Nintendo Switch console by holding the power button for three seconds, opening Power Options, and then selecting Turn Off.
  2. Disassemble the back plate of the Nintendo Switch console for better access to the relevant components. To do this, follow steps 1 through 8 of this iFixit guide.
  3. Once the backplate is removed, follow step 17 of the same guide to detach the rail from the Nintendo Switch console. Be careful, as the ribbon cable will still be attached.
  4. With access now established, detach the connector from the rail. This can be done using a scarf pin to dislodge the retainer pin shown in the image below. Once the retainer pin is pushed out through one side, the connector will be free.
  5. With a cotton or foam swab saturated with electrical contact cleaner, thoroughly clean the connector of foreign debris or build up. Avoid excessive force and sweep downward to prevent damage or unnecessary stress on the contacts.
  6. If necessary, dry and wipe away any residue from the connector with the clean, unused side of a cotton or foam swab.
  7. Reassemble the Nintendo Switch console. Seat the connector into the rail and reinstall the retainer pin. Fasten the rail to the console and attach the backplate. Avoid excessive torquing when installing the screws.
  8. Test your Joy-Con on the console once the procedure is completed. If normal functionality is restored, the problem has been resolved. If the problem is not resolved, refer back to the Troubleshooting section.
Console Rail Ribbon Cable Replacement

Troubleshooting can reveal that Joy-Con connectivity issues are the result of a problem with the Nintendo Switch console itself. When this is the case and cleaning of the console rail's contacts yields no results, reseating the ribbon cable connector on the motherboard or replacing the ribbon cable entirely can resolve the problem. To pursue these options, follow the iFixit guide for replacing the left rail assembly or the right rail assembly depending on the relevant side.

For the case of replacement, if a ribbon cable can be found at a lower cost than an assembly, follow step 4 of the Deep Cleaning of Console Rail Connector solution during your process to separate the ribbon cable from the rail. Alternatively, if the quality of the replacement assembly's rail is not satisfactory, this method allows for the new rail's ribbon cable to be seated into the old rail if preferred.

Preventative Measures

Wireless Sync and SL/SR Input Issues


During single Joy-Con use, some users may find that their controller's rail shoulder buttons are unresponsive. Others may find an inability to wirelessly sync their controllers to another Switch or even their own after wiping paired controllers from the console. These symptoms are indicative of problems with a single component in more typical cases, making the isolation and repair process fairly straightforward.



Ensure the Ribbon Cable is Properly Seated

Replace the Flexible PCB

Preventative Measures

Motion Control Issues




Preventative Measures

NFC/amiibo Scanning Issues




Preventative Measures

Shoulder Button Issues


Occasionally, players may find that one of their shoulder buttons is behaving inconsistently or is unresponsive. This can manifest through a lack of physical feedback or unrecognized inputs. Because each button is a separate mechanism, potential issues do not occur in pairs, making most problems easy to isolate for resolution.



Preventative Measures

Joy-Con Won't Stay Attached


A problem some Joy-Con owners face is finding that their controllers don't stay properly attached to the Switch tablet. Despite being firmly slotted in and being recognized in Handheld Mode, the Joy-Con may slide off easily or with little force without the use of the release button. This is an issue users may experience over time with repeated attachment and removal, but it's relatively easy to resolve and avoid.

A problem some Joy-Con owners face is finding that one or more of their controllers don't stay attached to the tablet. Despite being firmly slotted in and being recognized in Handheld Mode, the Joy-Con may slide off easily or with little force even without the pressing of the release button. This is a problem users may experience over time with repeated attachment and removal, but it's relatively easy to resolve and avoid.

Please keep in mind that a slight amount of play is normal for Joy-Con controllers.


The symptoms indicating that the locking mechanism of the Joy-Con controller is damaged include the following.

  • The controller doesn't click into place when completely slotted into the rail.
  • The controller slides off of the rail without use of the release button.
  • The controller slides out of place with slight upward force as may occur when adjusting volume or pressing the power button on the tablet.

If any of these symptoms are applicable to your circumstances, proceed to the next section.


For the particular range of symptoms that have been defined, the reasonable solution is singular and universal: the replacement of the lock. The steps of this process can be found with convenient visual reference here on the relevant iFixit guide.

Preventative Measures

Holding the release button whilst attaching the Joy-con will allow for increased longevity by circumventing the cyclical wear to the material of the lock cause by repeated sliding and snapping into place. Though you may miss the signature click, this is a simple method of preventing the slow degradation that's likely to occur over the lifetime of the hardware. A complimentary measure is adopting similar care in removal by ensuring the release button is fully pressed before displacing the Joy-con from their rails. This prevents unnecessary force against the corners of the lock tabs that may occur by premature removal.

Replacements made of more resilient materials like aluminum that are installed correctly and treated with care will likely outlast the surrounding Joy-con assembly accordingly if used. It is worth noting, however, that tolerances for these replacements may vary, resulting in more snug or loose fits. Keep this possibility of variance in mind.


Thoughtful Storage

  • Be careful about where you store your Joy-con controllers. Keep them away from dust.

Don't store your Joy-con in worn/unwashed cloth casings, in areas prone to dust build up, or areas already covered in dust. Avoid leaving them in the path of a fan or an air-conditioner to avoid debris building up unnecessarily and potentially getting into the analog module.

Pack Them Loose

  • If your case allows for it, store your Joy-con controllers separated from the Nintendo Switch tablet.

Storing your Joy-con disconnected from the Switch is something with a few benefits. In the case of many more flexible cases, this decision means that the rails of both the tablet and controllers are spared any unnecessary strain as a result of a fall, being stowed in tight spaces, or other circumstances. This also ensures that the lock tabs that keep the Joy-con attached to the Switch won’t break either.

Attach With Care

  • Attach your Joy-con to the Nintendo Switch whilst holding the release button down. This isn't common advice, but it's a good way to preserve the little lock tabs that keep your Joy-con firmly attached to your console.

The audible click of attaching Joy-Con can sound satisfying to be sure, but fatigue and fracture are a reality you might want to keep in mind. Cyclical application of a load over time will eventually result in the plastic tabs chipping away. While it can take a fair amount of use before damage is noticeable, leveraging the release button when attaching your Joy-Con as you would when detaching it is a measure that can increase longevity and potentially help maintain that nice, snug fit found with new controllers.

Limited Disassembly

  • Avoid excessive and unnecessary disassembly of your Joy-Con controller.

While disassembly for maintenance and modification are an expected part of your pursuits browsing this resource, unneeded or avoidable disassembly is discouraged in the interest of the longevity of your Joy-Con controllers. Despite the ease of repair that comes with the assembly's design, various parts can be degraded with repeated repairs. The upper ribbon cable for the controller's rail is creased and fragile, the screws can easily by stripped, and the threads are similarly sensitive to being worn down. Be wary of these things to avoid unexpected deterioration that may end up necessitating further repairs or replacements later down the line.

Moderate Torquing

  • Don’t over torque (overtighten) the screws when reassembling the controller.

After a successful disassembly and repair, you may be excited to close things up and get right back to playing. Be careful when finishing up, though: the Joy-con and its components are small and excessive torque may cause some unintended damage. Most notably, the battery-bracket of the left Joy-con is fastened with two screws and will apply pressure to the main board dependent on how tightly you’ve screwed it down. The plastic backplate is also quite thin, with the portion surrounding the hole just above the unlock-button being particularly vulnerable to cracking. Keep these things in mind and exercise a bit of self-restraint if you’re typically the sort who goes for the tightest possible fastening.

Avoid Discharge

  • Leaving your Joy-Con controllers -or even your Nintendo Switch console- discharged for long periods of time can result in degradation or death of the battery. Charge regularly.

When a rechargeable battery is left unused and discharged for prolonged periods, damage may occur that will result in a battery with a reduced lifespan or one that can not be charged outright. Nintendo's recommendation is charging the Joy-Con controllers and Nintendo Switch console at least once every six months to prevent such a problem from occurring. This can be found in the manuals accompanying your hardware as seen in the image reference below.

Block Image


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